SAP Business Process Change Analyzer compares the objects included in a transport to the objects contained in the TBOMs of the target system.
Note that BPCA is a standard SAP functionality, and is a pre-requisite for this TE Analysis Check to run correctly.
- DESTINATION: System ID of the Solution Manager system where SAP Business Process Change Analyzer has been setup. (mandatory field)
- EXCLUDE_GROUP: Can be used to excluded specified TE Groups from the analysis
- EXCLUDE_TYPE: Can be used to excluded specified TE Type from the analysis
- FORCENEW: Can be used to force a new analysis, even if BPCA has run previously on the same transport(s)
- MULTIPLE: Specifiy if you want to analyse multiple transports during a sinngle analysis run
- VARIANT: Specifiy the variant of the BPCA analysis that you have setup on Solution Manager (mandatory field)
Backend Tables:
The BPCA Analyser is controlled by the following backend tables:
If no target/client is specified in /BTI/TE_BPCA_CFG, the conflict analysis client of the current target is utilised.
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