Most of the directory is not properly part of the Pre-Assembly Bulletin of Reports. Rather, most of the sections are part of the proceedings that are published after the Synod Assembly.

An exception to this would be the list of voting members. This list, however, will not be published until a few days before the assembly because registration is still open. It will, therefore, be published in the addenda to the Pre-Assembly Bulletin of Reports.

We include directories for the synod council, committees, boards, congregations, ministers, supply preaches, etc.. Directories, by the very nature of the rapidly changing world in which we live, out of date almost as soon as the are published. Thinking of a directory, then, as a work in progress can be helpful. It can also be helpful to report to the Synod Office any errors or omissions one might find as one peruses these pages. Please email the office through Bishop Riegel ( with the subject line beginning with the words, “Directory Correction: …,” followed by some short specific to be addressed. Then, in the text, include a description of the error, the subsection where there error is located, and how it should be fixed.


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