The National Medal was established by the Commonwealth of Australia in 1975 as one of the original elements of the distinctive Australian system of honours and awards. The medal recognises long service in organisations that protect life and property at some risk to their members.

The National Medal is available to eligible Surf Life Saving Australia members who have completed a minimum of 30 patrol hours each season, for a minimum period of 15 full years (5,480 days) * from 18th September 1986. The National Medal criteria is determined by Government regulation, not SLSA and therefore cannot be relaxed or altered.

*For the purpose of SLSA eligible service, years shall refer to the recognised patrolling season of 1st July to 30th June the following year.

Essential Criteria

National Medal Criteria
This award recognises the service of the following SLSA members:

  • Patrol members and Lifeguards (paid)
  • Operational Members of Emergency Response Groups
  • Jet/Offshore Rescue Boat Crew, Drivers and Skippers
  • Rescue Helicopter Pilots and Aircrew
  • Rescue Watercraft (RWC) Operators
  • RPAS (drone) Operators and Pilots
  • SurfCom Operators

Years of service in another approved organisation may be aggregated with SLSA service, in accordance with the Governor General National Medal guidelines.

Eligible SLSA members are active members (including Reserve Active and Long Service) of Surf Life Saving Australia who:

  1. Have been proficient for the relevant award, for each season of eligible service; and
  2. Have completed a minimum of 30 patrol / lifeguarding hours a season, for a minimum period of 15 full years (5,480 days). Where years of service is not continuous, it can be aggregated.
  3. SLSA eligible patrol hours commence from whichever date occurs later:
  • 18 September 1986*
  • The date in which the member obtained their first eligible patrolling award, as recorded in Surfguard.
  • 1 July of the member’s first eligible season.
    *This marks the commencement date for calculating eligible service at SLSA as outlined by the Commonwealth of Australia for National Medals.

The Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat will not accept premature applications. The full 15 years of service must have been completed before an application can be submitted.

Service not Eligible for the National Medal:

  • Patrol seasons served as an Active Cadet or Junior Activities member.
  • Water safety hours, unless approved by your state/territory.
  • Approved leave of absence or other exemption from patrol duties, for example Covid-19 restrictions, leave due to injury, etc.

Clasp Criteria
A person awarded the national medal may be awarded a clasp to the medal for each 10-year period of service beyond the original 15 years. The member’s full catalogue of eligible service, including the original 15 years, must be resubmitted as part of the member’s application.

Application Process

Nomination Guidelines
National Medal Applications are encouraged to be submitted online via the SLS Members Area ‘Submissions’ (Click here). The online submission form provides a convenient and user-friendly nomination process that links to the nominee’s Surfguard profile and allows supporting documentation to be easily uploaded.

Applications can also be submitted using the Manual National Medal Application Form (Click here). When applying via the manual form, an ‘Assessment Request’ must also be raised in Surfguard to support this application.

A National Medal application may be lodged by either the member, or the member’s current club/service. All National Medal applications must have the details checked and endorsed by the members club/service and State/Territory centre prior to being submitted to SLSA for final checking and processing.

Personal details collected by Surf Life Saving Australia are for the purpose of assessing the applicant’s eligibility for the National Medal. With the exception of government agencies involved in administering the award the personal information will not be disclosed to other parties. You have the right to access the information held by Surf Life Saving Australia.

Award prize
Medallion and/or Clasp

Award Sponsor
Governor General of Australia

Processed by

Presentation of Award

Date of Circulation

Closing Date
Applications must be received by SLSA before 30 March and 30 August, annually. It is important to allow time for applications to be approved by the relevant State/Territory centre, prior to these closing dates.



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