I have patrolled more seasons than what is listed in Surfguard, can I still apply?
We understand that Surfguard may not list a member’s full patrol history. For any season not recorded in Surfguard, you are required to provide supporting documentation for the missing seasons. This documentation can include patrol logs, annual reports or a letter from the club/service that confirms your patrol hours for each season that you patrolled but is not shown in Surfguard. All supporting documentation can be easily uploaded via the SLS Members Area online submission form.
I am an Honorary/Service member, can I apply for the National Patrol Service Award?
Yes, you are eligible to apply, provided you meet the criteria of having completed a minimum of 16 patrol hours each season. If you have not met proficiency requirements and patrolled minimum 16 hours for your seasons as an honorary/service member, these seasons will not eligible.
I did not patrol 16 hours for one season due to approved leave, is this season eligible?
Absences from the club/service for approved leave of absence or other exemption from patrol duty cannot be credited towards the National Patrol Service Award. However, the credit of years of service can be recommenced when resuming full patrol duty, following the leave/absence.
I currently patrol at multiple clubs, are my accrued hours for all clubs eligible?
Yes, provided they are correctly documented and can be verified by the appropriate officer of these clubs, then years of full patrol duty with one or more clubs can be accumulated to arrive at the total of years for the National Patrol Service Award.
I have a patrolling history with a club other than the one I currently patrol at. Will this impact my application?
Not at all. Patrolling at different clubs will not impact your application, provided your patrol hours are listed in Surfguard. If your patrol hours at your previous club are not listed in Surfguard, supporting documentation from the club not listed will need to be included in your application. This supporting documentation can be annual reports, patrol logs or a letter from the club that confirms your patrol hours for each season that you patrolled.
I submitted an application via the SLS Members Area, do I need to raise an ‘Assessment Request’ in Surfguard as well?
No, as you have submitted the application via the SLS Members Area, an ‘Assessment Request’ in Surfguard is not required. An ‘Assessment Request’ is only required if the National Patrol Service Award application is submitted via the manual form (linked here).
How long does it take for the National Patrol Service Award to be processed?
Once SLSA have received the National Patrol Service Award Application, it can take a further 2 – 4 weeks for the award to be approved and posted to the Club/Service. This timeframe may be extended during peak award seasons (May – August).
I have been approved for a National Patrol Service Award; how do I get my award?
All awards are posted to the nominated member’s club/service for presentation. If you have not received your award, please contact your club/service.
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