Award Summary

An accredited coach who has made a significant contribution to athlete performance at a state, national and/or international level, to the development of athletes in SLS activities outside of surf sports, and to the educational development of other coaches in SLS.

Nomination Process

Complete the ONLINE LINK and answer the questions below (with each answer no more than 400 words).

  1. What coaching qualification does the member currently hold, Foundation, Development or Performance Coach?
  2. What coaching roles has the member fulfilled during the 23/24 season at Club, Branch (where applicable), State, National and International Level?
  3. List the competition results attributed to the coach, where this member was the primary coach for the athlete and/or team, in the 23/24 season.
  4. Has the coach been involved in any mentoring and development of other coaches, creating of supporting documentation and/or programs. Please provide examples of where the coach has shown a positive and supportive attitude, behaviour and actions (including who it has impacted and how) in the 23/24 season?
  5. Has the coach undertaken any personal development to improve themselves as a coach in the 23/24 season?


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