Grants can be a great form of funding for lifesaving clubs and programs – however there are some key points to consider when applying for grants. Below are some tips for compiling successful grant applications.
LSV endeavours to keep all clubs informed about various grant opportunities via Club Mail and our website. If clubs have any questions or concerns with an application they can contact LSV head office for guidance and advice.
a) Tips for Successful Grant Writing
First things first, start a folder where you will compile all the information you will need for a grant application in one place. This is a great time saver in the long run and keeps everything organised. Also save everything in a Word document so you can use the information again for other applications. For the majority of grant applications you will need the following:
- ABN number
- Endorsements as a DGR Certificate – you can get an extract from the ATO based on your ABN)
- Your current financial information (audited financial statements as per your annual report)
- A copy of your annual report
- Mission Statement and organisation’s purpose
b) Guidelines are there for a Reason
Before you start any grant application it is highly important that you read the guidelines. The guidelines will tell you what the funder is trying to achieve through the grant and will determine whether your project is eligible or not.
After reading the guidelines if you are still unsure whether or not your project fits within the grant scope it is best to contact the grantmaker and check otherwise you may waste your time continuing with the grant application.
Guidelines also provide valuable information about deadlines and where to send your completed application.
c) Make Sure Your Project is Well thought out before Starting
Before attempting a grant make sure you can answer the following about your project:
- Description of your project (concise and usually less than 100 words)
- Project Backing – supporting data, community needs and the target group for the project
- Project Approach – goals, objectives, and activities
- Project Implementation Plan – how the project will be lead and managed and the expertise of your project team
- Evaluation Methodology – How you will measure the success – or otherwise – of your project in achieving its objectives
d) Grantmakers Are Looking For Reasons NOT to Fund Your Project
Grantmakers receive numerous applications, more than they can actually fund. Therefore, you must avoid giving the grantmaker a reason not to fund your project. Simple mistakes such as, missing out a question, not reading the guidelines properly or failing to include the requested supporting documentation can cancel out your application.
The grantmaker will not follow up with you if you forget something so please ensure you double check everything is complete before submitting!
e) Before Sending Your Application, Get a Second Opinion
The person or people reading your submission will be reading many other applications and may not know anything about your club or what it does therefore it is important that your application is informative but straight forward. Get someone who is not involved in the project to read your application
to ensure it reads well, is easy to understand and free from jargon, clichés and spelling mistakes.
f) Acquittals Are as Important as the Application
If you’re successful with a grant make sure you understand the acquittal process and meet your acquittal obligations. If you don’t acquit your project satisfactorily you may have to refund the project funding and/or may not be eligible to reapply for a grant through that organisation at a later date.
g) Grants and Club Communications
Often the grant making process can take several years. It is therefore imperative that if the grant writer takes on a new role in the club or leaves the club, they communicate which grants have been applied for and uses the clubs contact details as opposed to their own personal details. We strongly suggest therefore that the club sets up its own e-mail address for this purpose and stores all grant applications centrally. There have been cases when clubs have been successfully awarded a grant 6 months to a year after their submission, but failed to obtain the funds because the grant maker could not make contact with the grant writer/club.
h) Grant Seeking Unit
In support of lifesaving clubs in Victoria, LSV provides grant support to LSV clubs through The Surf Life Saving Foundation’s Grant Seeking Unit (GSU). The GSU is a national grant research and writing support unit for Surf Life Saving entities across Australia. The unit will identify suitable grants and communicate these to clubs, as well as offer services to help clubs write grant applications.
For assistance with your application please refer to the GSU’s Grant Application Guide for Clubs which provides general guidance and surf lifesaving specific template responses to common grant application questions. This can be found on the LSV website under the ‘Clubs and Members’ page on the LSV homepage.
i) Summary for Grant Success
- Check Club Mail and LSV Club Gateway weekly for the latest grant opportunities
- Follow the application guidelines – read them carefully
- Take evaluation criteria into consideration
- Submit your proposal on the required date/time
- Include all the information requested by the grantmaker
- Tailor your application to the specific funder and their requirements
- Ensure costs/budgets are reasonable
- Ensure costs/budgets provide enough detail
- If appropriate, submit letters of support for your application
- Use club contact details as opposed to club members details
- Store the grant application centrally so others can access if required
- Communicate to club members that you have applied for the grant
- Complete grant acquittals
- Check in with the GSU if you are ever unsure or require help
Don’t be discouraged by unsuccessful grant attempts, treat it as learning curve and keep trying!
Grant Seeking Guide for SLS Clubs
SLS Foundation Grant Seeking Unit
LSV Grants