Users are able to browse previous versions of any objects in EPC and restore them.

Browsing previous versions is available in the following modules:

  • Process
  • Document
  • Organization
  • Rule
  • Risk
  • Control
  • Performance
  • Master Data

Accessing a previous version

To access a previous version of an EPC object, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the details page of any EPC object. Under Tools, hover your mouse over Browse Versions. Click on the version number you wish to see.

2. You will be redirected to the selected version of the object. Note that you will not have edit capabilities while on a previous version.

3. To navigate back to the latest version, click on Show Latest

4. You can also navigate to other versions by repeating step 1.

5. To restore this version of the object, click on Revert. For more information on restoring objects, refer to the Revert Previous Version section.


The following functionalities will be disabled while the user is viewing an older version of the object.

  • Copy
  • Move
  • Delete
  • Object Book
  • Impact List

You will be able to navigate to the following graphs, but they will not reflect historic information. They will always show the latest information of the object.

  • Impact Graph
  • Hierarchy Graph
  • Data Diagram for the Master Data Module


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