Access to Task Forwarding

The option to Forward Tasks must be enabled for that particular task when the application is designed in the DBP Designer.

To forward a task, click on the button to expand the task in the task list. If task forwarding is enabled for that step of the process, users will be able to see a icon representing task forwarding

Forwarding a Task

To forward a task, click on the “Forward Task” icon . The form for forwarding tasks will be displayed.

Letter Item Description
A Recipients The recipients who will receive the task
B Use Current Description Use the current description of the task
C Terminate Current Task Terminates the task
D Description A description of the the task that the recipient will also receive

A. Recipients

A task can be forwarded to multiple users. Note that once a task has been completed, it will be removed from the task list of other recipients. For example, if a task is sent to recipient A and recipient B, but recipient A completes the task before recipient B, the task will be removed from recipient B’s task list.

B. Use Current Description

Checking this will will automatically send the task with the current description associated with the task. If this option is selected, the description text box will be disabled.

C. Terminate Current Task

D. Description

The sender can write a description which will be attached to the forwarded task.