
This tab contains options that pertain to general usage of the software.

  • Maximum Undo: HitFilm tracks all of your actions, so that you can undo mistakes or go back if you change your mind. This frees you to experiment without worry, since you can revert to earlier settings at any time. Maximum Undo defines the total number of history states that will be logged by HitFilm. Logging more actions will require more memory. Find out more about using your action history.
  • Plane/Image Default Duration: Unlike videos, planes and images do not have a specific duration. This setting determines their initial duration when you add them to a timeline.
  • Composite Shot Default Duration: When creating a new composite shot this is used as the default duration, unless the composite shot is based on existing media.
  • Timeline Default Duration: When starting a new project, this is used as the default duration for the editor timeline.
  • Audio Waveforms: The editor timeline displays a waveform for audio clips. For additional information on waveforms, see Working With Audio.
    • Channel List: Displays individual waveforms for each channel in the audio stream and is a common representation of audio. So you’ll see one waveform for mono audio, 2 waveforms for stereo, and 6 waveforms for 5.1 surround sound. It can be useful in order to see where a particular channel has silence, for example.
    • Channel Composite: This simply draws all waveforms from the audio stream over the top of each other. So you only ever see one waveform even if the source has stereo or 5.1. This view isn’t particularly useful for detailed work but can be helpful if there is limited screen space and you still want to see a waveform plotted.
    • RMS Amplitude: Similar to Channel Composite, this displays a single graph of all channels in the audio stream, but instead of plotting a waveform it shows the average levels of the audio signal over time. Viewing an average of audio levels in this way is a better method to determine its volume than inspecting a waveform because it is a better approximation of how our ears and brains perceive loudness.
  • Include Screen Layout When Saving Projects: When activated, your interface layout is stored in the project file. The layout in a project file will override the default workspace layout.
  • Use Relative Paths in Saved Projects: Projects can include absolute or relative references to media file paths. When using relative paths, media is located relative to the project file itself. As long as the folder structure relative to the project file is maintained this makes it easy to transfer to a different computer or to use cloud storage.
  • Close All Media Files When Application is Not Active: Some of HitFilm’s media libraries are able to ‘lock’ media files, preventing any changes to the source files while you are working in HitFilm. This option forces all media to be closed and unlocked when you switch to a different application, so that you can make external changes to your media. When you switch back to HitFilm after making external changes, your media will be updated to reflect the changes. Note that this may impact performance when switching back to HitFilm.
  • Play Audio When Scrubbing Timeline: HitFilm can play audio as you manually move the playhead around your timeline.
  • Use Logarithmic Waveform Scaling: Logarithmic waveforms more accurately depict the logarithmic nature of the db scale, and often make waveforms easier to read.
  • Show Help Links: Question mark icons in the corner of panels provide quick access to relevant pages in the user guide. These can be turned off to save space if you wish.
  • Hide Full Screen Preview When Application is not Active: The full screen preview allows you to view HitFilm’s video output full screen on a second display. Enabling this option means that when HitFilm is not the active application, the second display will cease showing the video output, and return to the desktop.

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