Animation effects are exclusively available in HitFilm Pro.

Animation effects can be applied to layers to apply preset animation in various styles. The Animation effects fall into two categories:

  • Behaviors
  • Effects

Center Wipe

The Center Wipe gradually reveals the timeline object from the center, wiping outward in both directions.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total object duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the object at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total object duration that will be used to conceal the object, at the end of its duration.
  • Gradient Size: The width, in a percentage of the total object width, of the gradient at the edges of the wipe.
  • Direction: The angle at which the wipe will travel. The visible portion of the object will appear as a line perpendicular to this angle.
  • Position: The origin point of the wipe. By default it is at the center of the object, but you can offset it using this property to place it anywhere you wish.

Central Spiral [Text]

Central Spiral starts with the individual characters shifted out of place in a spiral pattern, then moves and rotates them back into their correct position.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Cinema Style [Text]

Cinema Style gradually reveals the text layer, one character at a time. Starting in the center of the layer, each character simultaneously fades in, and grows in width until it reaches 100%. Additional characters are revealed moving both directions from the center, until the entire text layer is visible.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Doomo Designs [Text]

Doomo Designs reveals your text layer one character at a time, in random order. Each character starts out stretched vertically, and gradually shrinks to its intended size as it fades in.

  • Seed: Change the seed to alter the randomized order in which the text characters appear.
  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Down Dir Insert [Text]

Down Dir Insert slides the text layer from the top downward, until it comes fully into view.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Down Insert [Layer Only]

Down Insert starts with the layer moved out of view to the top of the viewer, and slides the layer downward, until it reaches the layer’s original position.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Down Roll [Layer Only]

Down Roll smoothly and evenly moves the layer from above the viewer to below the viewer, like rolling credits. It positions the layer above the viewer, just out of view, at the first frame of the layer, and moves it to below the viewer, just out of view, on the final frame.

There are no controls for the Down Roll behavior. The speed of the animation is determined by the size and duration of the layer. To speed up the movement, shorten the layer duration. To slow down the movement, extend the layer duration.

Drop [Layer Only]

The Drop behavior, moves your layer up and to the left, then drops it into frame at an angle. The layer bounces a few times and settles into place.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.

Drop In By Character [Text]

Drop In By Character moves all characters of your text layer to above the viewer at the start of the layer. The characters are then dropped sequentially and fall into their intended locations, one after another, starting with the characters on the left and ending on the right.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.


Evaporate reveals the timeline object in small pieces, based on a randomized fractal noise pattern.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total object duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the object at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total object duration that will be used to conceal the object, at the end of its duration.
  • Seed: Change the seed to alter the fractal pattern which defines the shape and position of the pieces used to reveal the object.

Expansion [Layer Only]

Expansion shifts the position of the layer horizontally, and the height of the layer vertically. The layer slides into view from offscreen left, at 20% of its actual height. Once it reaches its final position, the vertical scale expands until the layer reaches its full height.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Fade [Layer Only]

Fade applies a basic Opacity fade to your layer, so it starts out transparent and gradually reaches full opacity.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Fly In

Fly In and Fade Out [Layer Only]

Fly In and Fade Out applies two separate animations to your layer, one at the start and one at the end. At the start of the layer’s duration, it flies down and toward the camera, until it reaches the layer’s intended position. At the end of the layer’s duration, the layer is compressed vertically, expanded horizontally, and reduced in opacity until it is no longer visible.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Fly In and Fly Out [Layer Only]

Fly In and Fly Out applies two separate animations to your layer, one at the start and one at the end. The layer starts up and to the left, and flies down, right, and toward the camera, until it reaches the layer’s intended position. At the end of the layer’s duration, the layer flies down, left, and away from the camera until it is out of sight.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Fly To Zoom In [Layer Only]

Left Dir Insert [Text]

Left Dir Insert begins with the text offscreen right, and it slides to the left until it comes fully into view.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Left Roll [Layer Only]

Left Roll smoothly and evenly moves the layer from offscreen right to offscreen left, like side-scrolling credits. It positions the layer right of the viewer, just out of view, at the first frame of the layer, and moves it to left of the viewer, just out of view, on the final frame.

There are no controls for the Left Roll behavior. The speed of the animation is determined by the size and duration of the layer. To speed up the movement, shorten the layer duration. To slow down the movement, extend the layer duration.

Linear Wipe

The Linear Wipe gradually reveals the timeline object through a linear change in opacity. The wipe is linear, moving directly across the viewer in the chosen direction.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total object duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the object at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total object duration that will be used to conceal the object, at the end of its duration.
  • Gradient Size: The width, in a percentage of the total object width, of the gradient at the edge of the wipe.
  • Direction: The angle at which the wipe will travel. The visible portion of the object will appear as a line perpendicular to this angle.


Pinwheel divides the timeline object it is applied to into four quadrants. Each quadrant is then revealed by a radial wipe, centered on the Position values.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total object duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the object at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total object duration that will be used to conceal the object, at the end of its duration.
  • Gradient Size: The width, in a percentage of the total object width, of the gradient at the edge of the wipe.
  • Direction: The angle at which the wipe will travel. The visible portion of the object will appear as a line perpendicular to this angle.

Push [Text]

Push starts by positioning the text offscreen left, then slides it to the right until the entire layer is in view.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Radial Reveal

Radial Reveal gradually reveals the timeline object from the center, with a radial wipe. A small circle is revealed in the center, then grows in all directions until the entire object is revealed.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total object duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the object at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total object duration that will be used to conceal the object, at the end of its duration.
  • Gradient Size: The width, in a percentage of the total object width, of the gradient at the edge of the wipe.
  • Direction: The angle at which the wipe will travel. The visible portion of the object will appear as a line perpendicular to this angle.

Random 2 [Text]

Random 2 reveals the characters in your text layer one at a time, in random order. Each character fades in from completely transparent to completely opaque.

  • Seed: Change the seed to alter the randomized order in which the text characters appear.
  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Random [Text]

Random inserts the characters in your text layer one at a time, in random order. Each character slides into frame from offscreen above or offscreen below, and fades in to full opacity as it is inserted.

  • Seed: Change the seed to alter the randomized order in which the text characters appear.
  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Rich Tick [Text]

Rich Tick inserts the characters in your text layer one at a time, in sequential order. Some characters will briefly glitch in different locations before they appear permanently in their final location.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Right Dir Insert [Text]

Right Dir Insert begins with the text offscreen left, and it slides to the right until it comes fully into view.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Right Roll [Layer Only]

Right Roll smoothly and evenly moves the layer from offscreen left to offscreen right, like side-scrolling credits. It positions the layer left of the viewer, just out of view, at the first frame of the layer, and moves it to right of the viewer, just out of view, on the final frame.

There are no controls for the Right Roll behavior. The speed of the animation is determined by the size and duration of the layer. To speed up the movement, shorten the layer duration. To slow down the movement, extend the layer duration.

Shuffle In [Text]

Shuffle In inserts the characters in your text layer one at a time, in sequential order. each character begins offscreen left, and slides to the right to its intended position.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

String Fade [Text]

String Fade reveals the contents of your text layer one word at a time, in sequential order. The characters in each word will start larger and transparent, then gradually shift to their intended size and full opacity.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Tiny Zoom [Layer Only]

Tiny Zoom adds a slight zoom in, then zoom out, to the center of your layer duration. The layer starts and ends at its normal size, with quickly bumps to a larger size in the middle, as an accent.

  • Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to perform the zoom, positioned in the center of the layer’s duration.

Twirl [Layer Only]

Twirl rotates the entire layer into its intended position.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Typewriter [Text]

Typewriter reveals each character in your text layer sequentially, as if they were being typed onto the screen with a typewriter.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Up Dir Insert [Text]

Up Dir Insert begins with the text below the text box, and it slides upward until it comes fully into view.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Up Insert [Layer Only]

Up Insert starts with the layer moved out of view to the bottom of the viewer, and slides the layer upward, until it reaches the layer’s original position.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Up Roll [Layer Only]

Up Roll smoothly and evenly moves the layer from offscreen below ot offascreen above, like scrolling credits. It positions the layer below the viewer, just out of view, at the first frame of the layer, and moves it to above the viewer, just out of view, on the final frame.

There are no controls for the Up Roll behavior. The speed of the animation is determined by the size and duration of the layer. To speed up the movement, shorten the layer duration. To slow down the movement, extend the layer duration.

Wavy Style [Text]

Wavy Style adds a bouncy movement to each word as they are sequentially revealed. Each word starts out semitransparent and squashed vertically, then stretches upward as the opacity rises, and finally shrinks back to its intended size.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Zoom In [Layer Only]

Zoom In starts with the layer reduced in size, so it appears far away. The size of the layer then increases until it reaches its intended size.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

Zoom Out [Layer Only]

Zoom Out starts with the layer increased in size, so it appears very near the camera. The size of the layer then decreases until it reaches its intended size.

  • Reveal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration which will be used to complete the reveal of the layer at the start of its duration.
  • Conceal Length: The percentage of the total layer duration that will be used to conceal the layer, at the end of its duration.

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