In a nutshell:

The event where a customer wishes to schedule the delivery of assets to a project location. The system displays projects which require deliveries. The admin clerk assigns delivery assets and delivery asset operators to the project. The system sends a delivery notice to the delivery asset operator and the customer company stakeholder receiving the delivery. On completion delivery notifications are sent to operators and company stakeholders and an audit log entry is recorded.

  • The assets to be assigned must be available.
  • The project location must be documented in the system.
  • The customer company is billed a per kilometer rate base on the distance travelled to the project location.
  • Assets of the type plant require the appropriate permits to be transported outside provincial borders.
  • The default delivery location is the same as the project location.


Step 1: Selecting Deliveries tile and selecting a project from the search. Deliveries tab will show on the Project Screen.
Deliveries already scheduled for the selected project from the project search will be shown in the scheduled deliveries table.
Delivery information for the selected delivery, cannot be edited. Auto filled by selecting a delivery.

Step 2: Select a delivery from the table of scheduled deliveries or add a new one by clicking on add delivery. Add Delivery takes you to new project delivery screen where you need to enter a location or select a location from the map.and select a delivery vehicle and add it to the delivery assets from the project assets table. The Update Delivery button will take you to the same screen as add delivery, but you have to select a delivery first before you are able to update. An asset delivery has now been scheduled or updated. Th delete button deletes the selected delivery.

Extra Step (Can also do this step separately if you just want to calculate distance traveled for a delivery). Step 3: The calculate distance button will take you to a location screen where you can select a to and from location to calculate the distance. Delivery vehicle information for the selected delivery, cannot be edited, but it is auto filled by clicking on calculate distance on that screen that will calculate the distance between the to and from locations taking a route through the highways and roads to make It more accurate and the answer will be displayed in the total kilometers field.


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