When the installer cannot access because the installation file is in a drive, not in a normal disk, or when security programs are affect to installation

  1. Move the installation file to system drive.
  2. Right-click the file and execute it as administrator.

When the installation file is broken during transmission

Download the file again and re-install.

The others

When you try the above methods and the same failure occurs, try to the below.

  1. open the command prompt(cmd.exe) and move to the path of installation file.
  2. execute the installation wizard using the below command.
    • when install using .msi file
      msiexec /I "installation_file_name.msi" /L*V "install.log"
    • when install using .exe file
      "installation_file_name.exe" /L*v "install.log" /I
  1. After executing the installation wizard, install.log file is made. If the following log is in the install.log file, it is an issue about Windows Installer.
    MainEngineThread is returning 1603
  1. In this case, reboot the computer.
  2. Open Task Manager and teminate msiexec.exe process if it is running. Then re-install Controller Tester.
  3. If the problem is not solved yet, try the below troubleshooting guides.
  1. If the problem is not solve after following the Window troubleshooting guides, send the below informations to the technical support.
    • Package details that you try to install.
      • ex) Controller Tester (Host) 3.4.2 ×64
    • install.log file that made during installation by command prompt.
    • Whether this problem occurs in particular PC.
    • Environment of PC that this problem occurs.
    • (When you use other products of our company) When install other products of our company, the same problem occurs.

Technical support contact

  • support@suresofttech.com

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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