Norma Gensler
Synod Council Secretary

Synod Council Actions

14 April 2018

VOTED SC18.4.1
The council excused Paula Mitchell’s absence.

VOTED SC18.4.2
The Council voted to move to a quasi-committee of the whole in order to discuss the Bishop’s recommendation concerning the use of Missouri Synod retired pastors to serve the Synod as supply pastors.

VOTED SC18.4.3
The Council approved with one abstention an amendment to the Bishop’s recommendation #1. That The Rev. Roger Dallman be authorized to provide Word & Sacrament supply ministry on the Mountaintop area at the Bishop’s discretion per ELCA CBCR 8.63 and supporting provisions.

VOTED SC18.4.4
The Council approved with two abstentions the Bishop’s recommendation #1 as amended stating that The Rev. Roger Dallman be authorized to provide Word & Sacrament supply ministry on the Mountaintop area at the Bishop’s discretion per ELCA CBCR 8.63 and supporting provisions.

VOTED SC18.4.5
The Council approved the Bishop’s recommendation #2 that The Rev. Casey Leineman, in accordance with ELCA CBCR 8.62.11.a and 7.44.A16.b.8.1, be issued, by the Synod Council, a letter of call as a Minister of Word & Sacrament, as a three-year term call, for ecumenical service under the WV Presbytery at Church of the Covenant, Grafton, WV.

VOTED SC18.4.6
The Council approved the Bishop’s recommendation #4 that the Synod Council communicate to the Constitution & Bylaws Committee of the ELCA a request that the Constitution for Synods be amended in such manner that absentee voting by mail ballot may be permitted for Synod Councils and subordinate committees if adopted as a bylaw by the Synod Assembly.

VOTED SC 18.4.7
The Council approved the Bishop’s recommendation #5 that the following special rules of order be recommended to the 2018 Synod Assembly for adoption:

  1. The following classes of Ministers of Word and Sacrament (or the ecumenical equivalent) shall be seated with voice and vote if serving under call or as a duly appointed interim pastor:
    1. those rostered in other synods of the ELCA;
    2. those rostered in a judicatory of a full-communion partner;
    3. those rostered in a judicatory of a church confessing the Unaltered
    4. Augsburg Confession; and
    5. those rostered in a judicatory of another Christian denomination. 2) Committee, commission, and task force members who are not otherwise voting members of the assembly shall be seated with voice but without vote. 3) Amendments to the current budget for 2018 or the proposed budget for 2019 which create a budget deficit shall require a two-thirds vote for adoption. 4) The Committee on Resolutions shall review all published and oral reports submitted to this assembly, except in cases where such a report has been assigned to another committee, and may offer such resolutions as seem appropriate in response unless ordered otherwise by the assembly. 5) Apart from debate and time allocated in the agenda, those speaking to the assembly shall have such time as is allocated by the chair unless ordered otherwise by the assembly.

VOTED SC 18.4.8
The Council approved the Bishop’s recommendation #6 that the 2019 Synod Assembly convene in the greater Wheeling, WV, area, on or about May 31 and June 1, with Grace Lutheran Church, Wheeling, serving as host congregation.

VOTED SC18.4.9
The Council authorizes the DEM to submit a Lilly grant for the Thriving in Ministry Initiative.

VOTED SC18.4.10
Council approved the motion for the treasurer and bishop to draft a letter in order to inform each congregation of its Synodical contributions for the fiscal year to date.

VOTED SC18.4.11
Council approved the 2019 budget to send to Synod Assembly.

VOTED SC18.4.12
Council approved a two percent cost of living increase for Synod staff in all aspects of compensation.

11 July 2018 (actions via Teleconference)

VOTED SC18.7.1
Synod Council voted to accept the request from Salem Lutheran, Bakersville, to be placed under Synod administration.

VOTED SC18.7.2
Synod Council approved the nomination of Peter Hinkle as a trustee to handle the church administration of Salem, Bakersville.

VOTED SC18.7.3
Synod Council approved the nomination of Pastor Torben Aarsand a trustee to handle the church administration of Salem, Bakersville.

VOTED SC18.7.4
Synod Council approved the nomination of Pastor Larry Cantu a trustee to handle the church administration of Salem, Bakersville.

VOTED SC18.7.5
Synod Council approved the nomination of Priscilla Horner a trustee to handle the church administration of Salem, Bakersville.

4 August 2018

VOTED SC18.8.1
The Council excused the absences for Pr. Christine Olson, Mary Sanders, Katlyn Ruddle, and Bishop Riegel (train is late).

VOTED SC18.8.2
Council approved the minutes from the SC teleconference on 11 July 2018.

VOTED SC18.8.3
Council approved the Bishop’s recommendation to extend a line of credit, not to exceed $3000, to Our Savior, Ravenswood, repayable upon liquidation of real property. The funds will be drawn from synod reserves at the discretion of the treasurer, and the officers are empowered to execute all required instruments to that effect.

VOTED SC18.8.4
Council approved the recommendation to compensate Maureen Corrigan at $15.00 per hour for substitute secretary work leading up to the Synod Assembly 2018.

Council approved by General Consent to invite the Indiana-Kentucky Synod vice-president to a WV-WMD Synod Council meeting. Paul is visiting their September meeting.

VOTED SC18.8.6
Council approved Pr. Muhly’s motion that states after the election of a new council vice-president, he/she will serve the ELCA Assembly as a lay voting member. Afterwards the vice-president may be elected to attend, or he/she may choose to attend as an ex-officio member at one’s own expense.

Council approved by general consent to authorize the appointment of a committee to address the ULS resolution from SA 2018. The committee will be comprised of all current and former Gettysburg Seminary Board members including Bishop Riegel, Paul Wangerin, Rev. Ralph Dunkin, Rev. Sean Smith, and Rev. Bill Ridenhour.

VOTED SC18.8.8
Council approved the bishop’s recommendation to introduce an amendment to S7.14 which reads

“One-half of the members of the Synod Assembly shall constitute a quorum,” by substitution to read, “A majority of those members registered as attending shall constitute a quorum.”

VOTED SC18.8.9
Council approved to empower the Executive Committee to set the time lines for Salem, Bakersville to appeal the consultation committee recommendations.

VOTED SC18.8.10
Council approved the appointments for the Executive Committee for a one-year term beginning 1 September 2018. Joining the four council officers are Rev. Christine Olson, clergy position, along with Bruce Dalton and Nancy Weeks, lay positions.

VOTED SC18.8.11
Council approved the bishop’s recommendation for the Revs. Randy Richardson (three-year term expires in 2022) and Jacqueline Campbell (one-year term expires in 2019) to fill two positions on the consultation committee.

VOTED SC18.8.12
Council approved to recommend to the bishop the following for Synod Assembly 2019:

  1. Each delegate will be responsible to make housing reservations for the assembly with the Synod blocking the necessary rooms in advance.
  2. The Friday evening meal will be at the church.
  3. There will be no brunch on Friday before the assembly begins.

Council decided by general consent to add Rev. Linda Muhly to the Finance Committee.

Council agreed by general consent that Camp Dawson will not be considered as a Synod Assembly site in the near future.

Council approved by general consent to refer to the Finance Committee Rev. Sean Smith’s recommendation to ask Synod Assembly 2019 to repeal Section 15.21 of the Synod Constitution.

VOTED SC18.8.16
Council approved to move to executive session.

VOTED SC18.8.17
Council approved the Bishop’s recommendation to postpone the consideration of nominees for the LCF Board of Directors to a teleconference to be held on ____________ at ________.

VOTED SC18.8.18
Council approved to complete the date and time in SC18.8.17 with Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at 7 PM.

5 September 2018 (Actions Via Teleconference)

VOTED SC18.9.1
Synod Council approved the amendment the recommendation by substituting Rev. Bill Ridenhour for Rev. Jono Adams.

VOTED SC18.9.2
Synod Council with a unanimous vote approved the amended recommendation for the Lutheran Campus Foundation board membership.

3 November 2018

VOTED SC18.11.1
The Council approved the minutes from its meeting on 4 August 2018.

VOTED SC18.11.2
Council approved the bishop’s recommendation (with one abstention) to issue a letter of call to specialized ministry to the Rev. Sherrie Schafer to serve as Executive Director of Community Lutheran Partners, Inc.

VOTED SC18.11.3
Council approved the use of the $10,000 gift from Salem Lutheran, Bakersville, to help cover the cost of the Malagasy visit.

VOTED SC18.11.4
Synod Council unanimously recommends the following for Salem, Bakersville

  • The consultation report for Salem be held in abeyance.
  • Salem Lutheran Church petition for the termination of membership from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
  • Salem Lutheran Church will hold no worship services, fellowships, or educational activities except at the discretion of the bishop.
  • The Synod administration of the church will continue, and the trustees will proceed to take direct control of all financial matters.

VOTED SC18.11.5
Council authorized Rev. Gil Waldkoenig, DEM to write a Synod Vitality grant.

VOTED SC18.11.6
Council accepted Rev. Gil Waldkoenig’s guidelines for a Synod policy for A Seed Planted.


I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. — I Corinthians 9-11

Synod established “A Seed Planted” Mission Fund in 1996 to stimulate innovative outreach by or from congregations. Awarded grants went for a range of activities from a coffee house Bible study to printed promotional material to efforts with unaffiliated populations. Synod Council awarded grants after a process that included consultation from the Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM) and an application reviewed by an evangelism and mission committee. Said committee no longer exists. Grants ranged up to $6,000, and there was a practice to maintain a core amount in the fund ($30,000). In 2018, Synod Assembly allowed critical reexamination of “A Seed Planted.”

The synod will maintain a minimum amount in the fund to earn interest and sustain it. Synod Council may periodically adjust the minimum amount but without going below a minimum threshold of $30,000.

When available funds would reach or exceed $6,000 beyond the minimum threshold, the Bishop or the Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM) may identify outreach activity of a congregation of WV-WMD Synod for a grant. Criteria for award of a grant:

  1. The mission activity would clearly reach a population of unaffiliated people (64.5% of the population in West Virginia, and 63.4% in Garrett County, report they are unaffiliated with any religion; nationally it is 51%)
  2. The mission activity would express the gospel of Jesus Christ as amplified in Lutheran Confessional tradition and the doctrinal foundation of the ELCA
  3. The mission activity would complement the Word and Sacrament ministry of the Church
  4. Means of assessment would be clear, and the activity would be replicable or sustainable

Upon identification by the Bishop or DEM, a congregation would submit a proposal to Synod Council, stating:

  1. The mission activity and plans to implement
  2. How activity would meet the four criteria, stated above
  3. Budget to implement the grant
  4. Timeline and means of assessment of the mission activity

Synod Council may accept or reject any proposal, and the applicants may submit a revised or different proposal in consultation with the bishop and DEM.

News of mission outreach supported by “A Seed Planted” should go into synod assembly and synod communications for the inspiration of others.

10.26.18 GW

VOTED SC18.11.7
Council referred the Rev. Christine Olson’s continuing resolution concerning the Synod’s Consultation Committee to the same committee. They are to respond to the Council by January.

VOTED SC18.11.8
Council approved absences for Rev. Emilie Theobald-Rowlands, Paula Mitchell, and Katlyn Ruddle.

19 November 2018 (action via teleconference)

VOTED SC18.11.1
Synod Council approved 12-0 by roll-call vote the request from Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Bakersville, MD to disaffiliate from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) under provision 9.62(g) of the ELCA constitution: voting in the affirmative, Bullwinkle, Dalton, Gensler, Mitchell, Olson, Pritt, Riegel, Sanders, Smith, Theobald-Rowlands, Wangerin, and Week; voting in the negative, none; answering present, none.

12 January 2019 – Meeting via teleconference – January Session Meeting I

VOTED (Carried by general consent) SC19.1.1
That the following be appointed to the Nominations Committee: Mary Sanders, chair (MVMC-L), Jerry Kliner (MVMC-C), Carl Ames (OKVC-C), Pat Schillings (OKVC-L), Karen Erskine-Valentine (PC-C), Joel Richter (UOVC-C), Heather Courrier Ack (PC-L), and Rick Crummitt (UOVC-L).

VOTED (Carried by general consent) SC19.1.2
To postpone debate until resolution of venue and agenda had been reached.

VOTED (Failed) SC19.1.3
That the Bishop proceed with developing an agenda along the lines described in his report.

VOTED (Carried by general consent) SC19.1.4
That the Bishop proceed with development of an agenda to include informational workshops on the budget on the first day.

VOTED (Carried by general consent) SC19.1.5
To amend as follows: “That Synod include in the registration cost and provide dinner at Grace on Friday night of Synod Assembly 2019, lunch at the Conference Center on Saturday, and coffee/snack service at the Conference Center Grace on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning and afternoon at the Conference Center. That lunch on Friday and breakfast on Saturday not be provided by synod nor included in the registration cost.”

VOTED (Carried by general consent) SC19.1.6
That Synod include in the registration cost and provide dinner at Grace on Friday night of Synod Assembly 2019, lunch at the Conference Center on Saturday, and coffee/snack service at Grace on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning and afternoon at the Conference Center. That lunch on Friday and breakfast on Saturday not be provided by synod nor included in the registration cost.

VOTED (Carried by general consent) SC19.1.7
That Executive Committee be authorized to develop a fee schedule with three billing classes (congregational/institutional, independent, and complimentary) as outlined in the Bishop’s Report.

VOTED SC19.1.8 (10-3, Riegel, Wangerin, Olson, Theobald-Rowlands, Dalton, Brock, Weeks, Sanders, Pritt, Muhly-Alexander, being in the affirmative, Bullwinkle, Smith, Mitchell, being in the negative)
To fix the time to which to adjourn as Saturday, January 26, 11:00 10:00 AM, for a face-to-face meeting.

26 January Session – Meeting II Fairmont, WV

VOTED SC19.1.9
The Council approved Rev. Sean Smith’s absence.

VOTED SC 19.1.10
The Council approved the November minutes as presented.

VOTED SC 19.1.11
Council approved the minutes from the Teleconference meeting on 19 November 2018.

VOTED SC19.1.12
The Council approved the Bishop’s Report recommendation #5 stating that the Rev. Roger Dallman’s ecumenical service authorization be extended to include Grace, Petersburg, WV.

VOTED SC19.1.13
The Council approved the Bishop’s Report recommendation #6 stating that the Bishop continue designing a proposal for replacement of the Bishops’ Lay Worship Leaders program along the lines described in his report.

VOTED SC19.1.14
Council approved the extension of the line of credit given to Our Savior, Ravenswood, to a total of $5000.00.

The Consultation Committee met on 2 January 2019 and proposed the following continuing resolution that would enact timelines for the completion of consultation reports prepared by the committee.
Be it resolved that the secretary of the Synod be authorized to add the following as Continuing Resolution 3 of the West Virginia -Western Maryland Synod:

CR 3.01. When there is a disagreement among people or factions within a congregation, as related to †S17.11 of the West Virginia – Western Maryland Synod Constitution, and the Consultation Committee is called in to consider the matter, the Committee shall complete its assessment in writing, with recommendations, within 60 days of the submission of the request for assistance.

CR 3.02. If the Consultation Committee thinks it will be unable to finish the report within 60 days, the Committee must contact the synodical bishop as soon as possible to request extra time, up to 30 days, for a total of no more than 90 days from the submission of the request for assistance, to finish the report. The exact amount of extra time is granted at the bishop’s discretion and can be denied.

CR 3.03. The synodical bishop, after being contacted by the Consultation Committee for a request for more time, has the right to grant, refuse, or amend the request based on his or her assessment of the situation and the work of the Committee.

VOTED SC19.1.15
The Council approved an amendment to the resolution as follows

CR 3.01. When there is a disagreement among people or factions within a congregation, as related to †S17.11 of the West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod Constitution, and the Consultation Committee is called in to consider the matter, the Committee shall complete its assessment in writing, with recommendations deliver, in writing, a report to the congregation, within 60 days of the submission receipt, by the chair of the Committee, of the request for assistance.

VOTED SC19.1.16
The Council approved an amendment to the resolution as follows

CR 3.02. If the Consultation Committee thinks it will be unable to finish the report within 60 days, the Committee must contact the synodical bishop as soon as possible to request extra time, up to 30 days, for a total of no more than 90 days from the submission receipt of the request for assistance, to finish the report. The exact amount of extra time is granted at the bishop’s discretion and can be denied.

VOTED SC19.1.17
Council approved the resolution as amended.

30 March 2019 — Regular Council Meeting, Morgantown, WV

VOTED SC19.3.1
The Council excused the absences for Joe Solberg, Paula Mitchell, Mary Sanders, Pam Pritt, and Katlyn Ruddle.

VOTED SC19.3.2
The Council accepted the minutes from the January Session, Meeting II.

VOTED SC19.3.3
CR 4.0 The Council approved to authorize the bishop, vice-president, and secretary to approve the minutes after each session.

VOTED SC19.3.4
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation #1 for an ad hoc committee on the Bylaws be appointed to review the current bylaws and make recommendation for amendment of the same to the 2019 Synod Assembly, the committee consisting of Jason Felici, Sally Bartling, and Matthew Riegel.

VOTED SC19.3.5
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation #2 that the Ad Hoc Committee on the Bylaws be ordered to draft the Rules of the Assembly (2019) and present the same to the 2019 Synod Assembly for adoption.

VOTED SC19.3.6
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation #3 that The Rev. Casey Leineman’s authorization for extended ecumenical service to the WV Presbytery to serve Church of the Covenant, Grafton, be renewed.

VOTED SC19.3.7
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation #4 that The Rev. Peter Vial’s (WV Presbytery) authorization for extended ecumenical service to serve Holy Trinity, Elkins, be renewed.

VOTED SC19.3.8
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation #5 that The Rev. Susan Claytor (Episcopal Diocese of WV) be authorized for extended ecumenical service to serve St. Luke’s, Beckley, as part of a yoking agreement between St. Luke’s and St. Stephen’s (TEC), Beckley.

VOTED SC19.3.9
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation #6 that all retired clergy on the roster of the WV-WMD Synod be granted voice and vote in the 2019 Synod Assembly as permitted under CR2.01.

VOTED SC19.3.10
CR2.02 The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation #7 that a continuing resolution be enacted which reads, “Prior to each Synod Assembly, the Synod Council shall consider and, at its discretion, seat with voice and vote in the immediate Synod Assembly those Ministers of Word & Sacrament (or the equivalent) who are serving synod congregations and who also belong to church bodies with which the ELCA has full-communion.”

VOTED SC19.3.11
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation #8 that the following pastors on extended ecumenical service be enfranchised with seat, voice, and vote in the 2019 Synod Assembly: The Rev. Peter Vial (serving Holy Trinity, Elkins) and The Rev. Susan Claytor (serving St. Luke’s, Beckley).

VOTED SC19.3.12
CR2.03 The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation #9 that a continuing resolution be enacted which reads, “Prior to each Synod Assembly, the Synod Council shall consider and, at its discretion, seat with voice but without vote in the immediate Synod Assembly to those Ministers of Word & Sacrament (or the equivalent) who are serving a synod congregation but have not been otherwise enfranchised.”

VOTED SC19.3.13
The Council approved the bishop’s recommendation #10 that The Rev. Gary Koontz (serving Zion, Baker) be seated with voice in the 2019 Synod Assembly.

Executive Committee Actions

4 AUGUST 2018

General Consent EC18.8.1
The committee agreed by general consent that Salem, Bakersville, will be afforded time until the end of August to file an appeal to the Consultation Committee’s recommendations.


Actions Recommended by Synod Council for Adoption by the 2019 Synod Assembly

Pursuant to †S18.13(b) of the WV-WMD Synod Constitution, notice was served on 29 October 2018 that Synod Council proposes amendment of the WV-WMD Synod Constitution as follows: Resolved, That S7.14 of the WV-WMD Synod Constitution, which reads, “One-half of the members of the Synod Assembly shall constitute a quorum,” be amended by substitution so that it shall read, “A majority of those members registered as attending shall constitute a quorum.”.


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