If you would like to change the settings for the maps, tap on Menu → Settings → Map.

Then you can choose which options you wish to change.

  • Places (formerly called Points of Interest-POIs)
    You can disable or enable the display of all Places or you can select which categories you want to have displayed on your map.
  • Autozoom
    Enable / Disable autozooming, in Navigation mode the app tries to provide an optimal view of the way ahead, based on your speed (zooms out more at higher speeds).

The following map details can be modified:

  • Color scheme:
    Set the current color scheme to day/night or let the app decide based on your current position in the app and time according to the sunset and sunrise hours.
  • Buildings:
    Set the display of 3D buildings (where available) in the app to elevated, footprint or turn them off.
  • Landmarks:
    Enable or disable the display of landmarks on the map. Landmarks are important places, buildings, or historical monuments that are displayed on the map in their real form – as a very detailed model with colored textures.


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