The collar communicates with the app via the mobile network (2G and 4G). We therefore recommend having sufficient mobile coverage in the pasture, if not at least parts of the pasture, so that you can make changes to the Nofence boundary when needed, as well as receive data from the collars if anything happens. All collars will automatically pick the strongest signal, and communicate on this network. The fence function is not dependent on the mobile coverage, as it is not using the mobile network for this, but GPS and other GNSS satellites.

The collar reports to the app every 15 minutes. It reports its position, battery status, which operating mode it is in (teaching or operational) and if it has emitted any audio warnings or electric pulses. If the collar is outside mobile coverage, the status reports will not be sent to the app. If the collar misses a total of three of these reports, the collar symbol will turn yellow in the status map in the app.

As long as the collar is within mobile coverage, you can send information to the collar, for example if you want to adjust the pasture boundaries or give it a new pasture. You can also request real-time information from the collar via the status map. Electric pulses and escapes will be reported immediately to the app, as long as it’s within mobile coverage.

When the collar is outside mobile coverage, you will not receive status reports. Neither will you be able to send any information to the collar. If you are bringing the animals home from an area without coverage, you can remove the pasture by Bluetooth.

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