With the launch of LBC 4.0 (LBC) and the introduction of the Core Green Building Certification (Core), all projects—whether pursuing Living, Petal, or Core certification—must comply with the requirements of all ten Core Imperatives as a part of certification. In previous versions of the LBC, projects could be recognized with Petal Certification through achievement within a limited scope of Imperatives across three or more Petals. Starting with LBC 4.0, projects must reach a basic level of achievement across all seven Petals. These Core Imperatives are identified in Table 1, in the Typology section of this document.

For more information about how the Core Imperatives relate to Petal and Living Certification, see the LBC 4.0 Standard available on the ILFI website and member pages. Detail on the requirements for the Core Imperatives is integrated into the Petal Handbooks.