The Primary Stream Status section of the System Status report shows a list of all the active Primary camera streams in Orchid Core VMS, their current status, and how long ago the last archive was saved for that stream.

The Video Bitrate field will display the average video bitrate received by Orchid Core VMS over the last 15 minutes. This provides an indication as to how much video data is being transferred to Orchid. (This is the same bitrate information available within each camera’s settings. Providing this data on the System Status screen makes it easier to identify one or more cameras that may have exceedingly high bitrates which may be causing system errors.)

Available stream statuses are:

  • Running: The stream is currently active and running properly without any errors. It is actively recording and saving video (if configured to do so).
  • Restarting: The stream is being restarted automatically and should be active again within a few seconds.
  • Idle: The camera is not responding after being restarted by Orchid Core VMS multiple times and the camera status should be manually verified.
  • Stopping: The camera stream has been shut down and is in the process of writing the video file. (This will typically happen because another stream has been selected as the primary stream.)

The Last Archive field will typically display the amount of time that has passed since the last archive was saved. If Orchid Core VMS has never saved an archive for the camera stream, the software will display Never in the Last Archive column. Orchid Core VMS writes video archives every minute, so any camera whose Last Archive is more than a minute old will be flagged in red, as this indicates video may not be recording.


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