The following are some additional errors that you may encounter in Orchid Core VMS.

If this error appears, it is taking too long for the system to receive enough video data to display the video:

  1. Decrease the bitrate (by editing the camera stream settings).
  2. Decrease the resolution (by editing the camera stream settings or by selecting a lower-resolution stream, if available).
  3. Switch to Low-bandwidth mode.

If this error appears, the system can no longer see the camera:

  1. Use the System Status feature to check on the camera.
    1. Click the Restart button to attempt to reconnect.
    2. Click the Verify button to see if the camera is still connected to the network.
  2. Check to see if the camera has power.

If this error appears, the backend server probably shut down the video stream:

  1. Go to the System Status screen and use the troubleshooting buttons to check/restart the camera stream.
    (This error is not likely to appear.)

If this error appears, the connection between the client and server has dropped:

  1. Press the Reload button to refresh the Orchid Core VMS page (which may solve the problem).
  2. If reloading doesn’t solve the problem, contact Support.

If this error appears, the browser may not have enough resources to draw the dewarped image:

The process to display a dewarped image on the Stage requires extra work from the web browser. If you have more than one dewarped camera on the Stage, that extra work is multiplied, making it increasingly more difficult to complete all necessary tasks.

  1. Consider switching dewarping Off for one or more of the dewarped cameras on the Stage.
  2. Consider lowering the number of dewarped cameras on the Stage.

Another possibility is that the web browser does not support the graphics processing unit (GPU).

  1. Try switching to another web browser.


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