The results of the Invoice Out-sort Analysis program are available upon the completion of the main program. After you run the Node5 Architecture program on-line, you are able to monitor the status of the program whilst it executes by repeatedly selecting the “Refresh” button in the application toolbar.
Select the “Refresh” button until the “Instance Status” becomes “Finished”. You can see how far the program has progressed via the “Comp” column which represents the % complete. Important note:
You are able to get to the above screen for a previously run version of this program (or a run that you did not start yourself) by navigating to the “Run History” in transaction /BTR/MDR.
Once the program has reached 100% complete and a “Finished” status, you can select the row and press “Transform”. You will then be prompted with a further ability to restrict the output that is displayed:
The following options are now available to restrict the data further.
Output Options
• Display Summary – This display provides a summarized view of the tolerance bracket ranges with a graphical display and details options.
• Display Inv. Outsort Details – This should always be set to true in order to output the results within a list. In future versions of the Torch, additional options will be made available here for display purposes.
Advanced Options
• Derive Current Outsort Status – If you are looking at the results of a past run of the program, then between the time at which the program originally ran and the time that you present the results may mean that the status of a particular invoicing outsort has changed (e.g. to “released” by a user). Select this option if you would like the output to re-calculate the current status of invoice out-sorts, so those that are no longer out-sorted can be removed. Enabling this option provides the ability to release outsorts from the report.
After you are ready to proceed, select “Execute”. You will then be prompted with the results of the invoicing out-sort analysis output.
The Display Inv. Outsort Details output option of the Invoicing Out-sorts Tolerance Analysis program is an ALV grid of data that represents the current state of all invoicing out-sorts found based upon user selection criteria. On the left of the screen is this list of invoicing out-sorts. On the right of the screen are the program execution parameters.
By default, the fields displayed in the grid are (from left to right):
• Status
Red light indicates the invoice out-sort is still outstanding and a green light indicates the invoice has been released/reversed since the report was run (this is only displayed if the ‘Derive Current Outsort Status’ checkbox is selected).
• Print Document No.
Represents the Print Document number that the invoicing out-sort belongs to.
• Contract Account
Represents the unique contract account number.
• Business Partner
Represents the unique business partner number.
• Standard Company Code
Represents the standard company code the contract account relates to.
• Out-sort Check Group for Invoicing
Represents the out-sorting check group that the given Contract Account belongs to.
• Invoice Validation
Represents the validation check defined for which the invoicing out-sort has failed.
• Tolerance
Represents the configured Tolerance amount set for the Invoice.
• Amount Difference
Represents the amount difference above or below the tolerance.
• Deviation (%)
Represents the amount difference as a percentage above or below tolerance .
You can add / remove into the ALV grid these fields via the standard ALV grid “Change Layout” option. You can also set a default layout according to your preferences so you do not need to change it each time you display the output of the invoicing out-sort tolerance analysis program.
Furthermore, you can select a particular column (e.g. Amount difference) and sort it from highest to lowest or vice versa. Additionally you can put a filter upon one or more fields in order to restrict what is displayed or search for a particular contract account or invoicing document number with the standard search button in the grid.
Options Available
• Individual Release (this option is only available if the derive current status checkbox is selected).
You can release specific invoice out-sorts by selecting and highlighting the individual line item on the ALV grid then clicking on the green flag on the grid options menu.
• Release All (this option is only available if the derive current status checkbox is selected).
Alternatively; all the invoicing out-sorts can be mass released by clicking on the “Release All” button on the ALV grid options menu. This will take you to automatic invoicing out-sort release Torch program (for reference /BTR/MDR_PP_ISU_TOR_IOUT_AUTOREL) and pass through all visible invoicing out-sort document numbers.
• Export
Finally, you are able to export to Excel in order to run enhanced manipulation or analysis of the data.
The Summary output option displays a dashboard containing an ALV grid of data on the lower section of the screen that represents the current state of all invoicing out-sorts found based upon user selection criteria. On the left of the screen is this list of billing out-sorts tolerance ranges. These are grouped into 3 sections, above tolerance – any results in this section are marked in green, above/below – results in this section are marked in blue and below tolerance – results in this section are marked in red. On the right of the screen are the program execution parameters. The center contains an interactive graphical display of the data that can be edited using the chart options icon. The bars representing each tolerance range can be clicked to update the ALV grid to display that brackets invoice outsorts detailed view.
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