When the program is executed, the user is presented with a set of parameters / select-options in order to select the appropriately required data and action it. The main selection screen is as follows:
The parameters are grouped into the 4 key areas:
Main Selection (Optional)
• Contract Number – Restricts the bill out-sorts selected to the contract numbers or range specified (field ERCH-VERTRAG).
• Company code – Restricts the bill out-sorts selected to the company code specified (field EVER-BUKRS).
• Division – Restricts the bill out-sorts selected to the division specified (field EVER-SPARTE).
• Billing Out-sort Check Group – Restricts the bill out-sorts selected to the billing outsort check group(s) specified (field EVER-AUSGRUP).
• Billing Document Number – Restricts the bill out-sorts selected to the billing document number range specified (field ERCHO-BELNR).
Additional Selections (Optional)
• Invoice Creation Date – Restrict billing out-sorts for the specified invoice creation date range (field ERCH-ERDAT).
• Invoice Creation User – Restrict billing out-sorts for the specified invoice creation user (field ERCH-ERNAM).
• Billing Transaction – Retrieve billing out-sorts for the specified billing document reason (field ERCH-ABRVORG).
• Validation Rule – Restricts the bill out-sorts selected to the specified validation rule(s) (field ERCHO-VALIDATION).
Tolerance Brackets (Optional)
• Default/Clear brackets (checkbox) – This option enables the default tolerance brackets to be cleared or restored.
• Percentage Tolerance Bracket – Puts the billing out-sorts that are found into brackets specified in the ranges set in this parameter. This is the percentage deviation from the expected amount. This means that both negative and positive ranges must be specified here in order to catch both those below the ranges specified and those above the ranges specified.
• Amount Tolerance Bracket – Puts the billing out-sorts that are found into brackets specified in the ranges set in this parameter. This is the amount deviation from the expected amount. This means that both negative and positive ranges must be specified here in order to catch both those below the expected amount and those above the expected amount.
NOTE: The above ranges are mainly used from a display perspective only. They have no impact on the actual processing of the billing out-sort apart from “grouping” those that are found into these “buckets” for output purposes.
Advance Options (Optional)
• Consider Historical Out-sorts – Turn this flag on if you would like the program to consider historical billing out-sorts that have yet to be archived.
Technical Settings
All Node5 Architecture programs (including this one) have the ability to specify the amount of parallel processing and the interval “variant” to be used during execution.
These are generic “technical” settings that are available under the button “Technical Settings” in the application toolbar.
Since these settings are generic for all Node5 Architecture programs, a later section in this document specifies the options that are available to you here.
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