A transport schedule defines a list of days and times when transport requests should be imported automatically. When a transport schedule is assigned to a target, Transport Express automatically creates a background job that will import transport requests that are currently within the target’s import queue. This background job runs in the Transport Express domain controller.
Transport Express ensures that the background job always executes according to the current version of the transport schedule. This includes deleting the background job if the transport schedule is no longer assigned to the target.
Each transport schedule has a description and optionally the user ID that the import should be scheduled under.
Adding Times to a Transport Schedule
The transport schedule can be defined on the ”Days and Times” tab of the transport schedule. Times are periodic. For example, if the time “Monday at 5:30pm” is added, then an import background job will be scheduled to run every Monday at 5:30pm.
To add times, select the required day of week checkboxes and the required time interval. A list of days and times will be listed. Next, select the required times and then drag and drop them onto the appropriate transport schedule (appearing on the left-hand side).
Transport Express will automatically update the import schedule and associated background jobs for any targets that the transport schedule is currently assigned to.
Deleting Times from a Transport Schedule
To delete an individual time from a transport schedule, select the time in the transport schedule tree and press the ”Delete” key. Once again, Transport Express will automatically update the import schedule for any targets that the transport schedule is currently assigned to.
- The name of a Transport Express import job is TE_SCHEDULED_IMPORT_SID_nnnn, where SID is the SAP system ID and nnnn is an internal number for a target. The background jobs run in the domain controller. Do not maintain or delete these jobs from within SAP.
- Transport Express provides a special “day” called ”Everyday” that is equivalent to adding a time for every single day of the week.
Note: The user allocated to the import schedules should also be setup as a TE administrator so they have the correct roles when importing transports
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