A transport path is a hierarchy of target SAP systems, determining the systems that a transport request will be imported into and in what order. The transport path also determines whether changes need to be approved and/or tested.
Each transport request is associated with a single transport path when the transport form is completed. The transport path is usually selected automatically, according to the default settings made here, and ensures that transports are imported into the same systems, keeping the landscape in sync.
- Group Label: This allows all transport paths for the same group label to be grouped together in the main Transport Express transport paths pane
- Automatically release transports when a transport form is completed: This option will attempt to release the transport in SAP when a transport form is created in this path
- When completing a new transport form, check whether the changes conflict with others that are still being transported: This will perform a conflict check to see if any other released transports are present on the same transport path that contain any objects also in the transport form being created
- Valid Source Clients: Here the valid source systems and clients for transports that are valid for this transport path are specified
Systems and Control points
- The required target systems can be dragged into the transport path. If a target is dragged on top of another target it will follow that target in the transport system sequence.
- The required Inbox, Test Queue and Outbox approval points can be switched on / off as required.
- Target systems can be removed from a path by highlighting them and using the keyboard ‘Delete’ key. Any transports waiting for that system in TE will be automatically forwarded to the next target system.
- If a control point is removed and there are transports awaiting approval a warning message will be issued to inform the user. Once these have been approved the control point will no longer be present in the transport path.
- If new systems need to be added to the end of a transport path any transports that are still live in the path will automatically go through into the new system. It is good practice to switch on an outbox in the last system in a path if this is expected in the future so it can easily be seen which transports will be moved into the new system(s).
- It is also good practice to try only maintain the transport paths when little or no transports are in flight inside the path. This will minimise the disruption to live transports and reduce the chances of any errors.
Deployment Status
For each control point in the transport path a deployment status can be switched on to determine how the task status is to be calculated based on the location of the transports in the control points:
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