Prior to ActiveControl 8.3, there were two Deletion related Authorisation activities for Transport Forms.


Some customers reported that this was rather restrictive, and there were scenarios where they would like more granularity, such as when certain users should be able to delete Transport Forms that had not been imported, but not ones that had been imported, or when certain users should also be able to delete unreleased Transports, but not released Transports.

As such, the authorisation to delete Transport Forms has been made much more granular and flexible as part of ActiveControl 8.3.

A new Authorisation Object Y_FORMDEL has been created with two underlying Authorisation Activities.


Each of these authorisation activities can be restricted as follows:

  • Group ID
  • Type ID
  • Transport is deployed
  • Transport Form has transport (ie has the transport been deleted at SAP level)
  • Transport Form is mine
  • Transport is released

Configuration Steps

More details on these new authorisations can be found in this online Change Note.


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