Revision Numbers: Document and Page

Document revisions are controlled by the application which was used to produce this online manual which is found at The document revision number is displayed in the header for all pages.

Each page of the manual may be revised by the manufacturer on a regular basis in order to provide customers updated information in a timely manner. The revision date of each page is shown in the footer of each page.

Parts Data Package

A job-specific customized Parts Data Package report is supplied with every shipped EPIC Series Battery Cabinet. The data listed in this report supercedes any information featured in product literature, standard documentation, and/or quote documents. The parts and quantities listed are applicable only to the console featuring the same serial number listed on the Parts Data Package report.


A customized record drawing package is available for any EPIC Series Battery Cabinet, featuring a unit-specific drawing list / data nameplate detail, outline drawing, itemized internal component layout, electrical schematic with component ratings, and a full connection diagram. If the standard drawings featured in this manual are not sufficient, please contact your sales representative for drawing availability from the battery charger manufacturer.

Any job-specific custom drawings supplied with an EPIC Series Battery Cabinet supercede the standard drawings featured in the manual. The standard drawings featured in the manual may not be included with custom printed manuals, when job-specific custom drawings are supplied.

Online Availability of Related Information

Other related product operating manuals, feature and accessory special instructions, standard drawings (including the ones listed in this manual), field service instructions, and product application notes for the EPIC Series Battery Cabinet are available online at Saved in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF), they are readily available for downloading and printing.

If revision levels differ between the drawings embedded in this manual and the full online PDF drawings, refer to document with the higher revision level. For document availability of private-labeled manuals and/or standard drawings, please contact your sales representative or visit the web site listed on the back cover of this manual.