Command Description Syntax Successful Message Failure Message
Set status element Sets the element to be used for status messages hippoAPI.setStatusElementName(statusElement) N/A N/A
Return Mix presets returns a list of preset banks containing presets of type mix preset hippoAPI.getMixPresets() “OK” “Error fetching mix presets : [error]”
Return Layer presets Returns a list of preset banks containing presets of type layer preset hippoAPI.getLayerPresets() “OK” “Error fetching layer presets : [error]”
Load Mix preset loads a preset in bank : bank, slot : slot onto mix : mix eg. loadMixPreset(1,5,25) hippoAPI.loadMixPreset(mix, bank, slot) “Loaded preset in bank [bank], slot [slot] onto mix [mix]” Error loading preset in bank [bank], slot [slot] onto mix [mix] : [error]
Load Layer preset loads a layer preset in bank : bank, slot : slot onto layer : layer on mix : mix eg. loadMixPreset(1,2,5,25) hippoAPI.loadLayerPreset(mix, layer, bank, slot) “Loaded preset in bank [bank], slot [slot] onto mix [mix], layer [layer]” “Error loading preset in bank [bank], slot [slot] onto mix [mix], layer [layer] : [error]”
Play timeline by ID Plays the timeline with ID of timelineID hippoAPI.playTimeline(timelineID) “Started timeline [timelineID]” “Error starting timeline [timelineID]”
Stop timeline by ID Stops the timeline with ID of timelineID hippoAPI.stopTimeline(timelineID) “Started timeline [timelineID]” “Error starting timeline [timelineID]”
Reset timeline by ID Rewinds / resets the timeline with ID of timelineID hippoAPI.resetTimeline(timelineID) “Started timeline [timelineID]” “Error starting timeline [timelineID]”
Mute timeline by ID Mutes the timeline with ID of timelineID hippoAPI.muteTimeline(timelineID) “Started timeline [timelineID]” “Error starting timeline [timelineID]”
Un-mute timeline by ID Un-Mutes the timeline with ID of timelineID hippoAPI.unMuteTimeline(timelineID) “Started timeline [timelineID]” “Error starting timeline [timelineID]”
Jump to nest cue of timeline by ID Tells the timeline with ID of timelineID to jump to the next cue position hippoAPI.goNextCueTimeline(timelineID) “Started timeline [timelineID]” “Error starting timeline [timelineID]”
Jump to previous cue of timeline by ID Tells the timeline with ID of timelineID to
jump to the previous cue position
hippoAPI.goPreviousCueTimeline(timelineID) “Started timeline [timelineID]” “Error starting timeline [timelineID]”
Jump to cue by ID of timeline by ID Tells the timeline with ID of timelineID to
jump to the cue with cue number of cueNumber
hippoAPI.goCueTimeline(timelineID, cueNumber) “Started timeline [timelineID]” “Error starting timeline [timelineID]”


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