Use of the CRISPRtest assay requires access to a flow cytometer with the following excitation and emission requirements:

Flow Cytometry Settings for TagRFP
Excitation: 561nm (yellow laser) [530nm laser is still acceptable]
Emission: 590/20nm band-pass filter, or similar
Flow Cytometry Settings for TagGFP2
Excitation: 488nm (blue laser)
Emission: 530/20nm band-pass filter, or similar
Flow Cytometry Settings for TagBFP
Excitation: 405nm (violet laser)
Emission: 470/20nm band-pass filter, or similar

Cellecta also offers the following products that may be useful when running this assay:

Non-targeting controls in other Cellecta vectors are available. Please visit our CRISPR Non-Targeting sgRNA Control Construct in Standard Lentiviral Vector web page.

Other than the specific reagents and instruments listed above, the protocols assume the user has access to standard materials (e.g., polypropylene tubes, pipette tips), equipment (table top centrifuges, pipettes, scales), and common reagents (e.g., TE buffer, ethanol) and buffers used in a typical life science laboratory.

Last modified: 17 May 2024

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