A send program is then scheduled to pick up the mapped transactions and send them out to the configured external systems. It retrieves the required records and then uses the configured send methods for each particular integration scenario to actually push the data out to the receiving systems. If a standard send method is not available for a particular external system (maybe the ticketing system is a ‘home-grown’ application), then custom send methods can be created and utilised in the Integration Framework.

Program Name: /BTI/TE_INTEG_SEND SE38

Selection Option Description
External System The external system the send program is to be run against
No. of Retries The number of times the send program will try to send an integration transaction before issuing an error
Transaction Number Specific integration transactions for the send program to process
Supress Notifications Makes sure that no notification emails are sent when the transactions are processed

The outcome of the send process is recorded for audit purposes. If successful, any updates configured are made to the AC data objects, alternatively if errors have occurred, the send program will try to re-send (if configured to do so) a certain number of times before marking the transaction in error and sending a notification to the relevant person(s) within the organisation.


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