Over the years, a few Basis Technologies customers have reported inconsistencies in the suite of ActiveControl reports, in terms of some of the existing Reports not having change/select/save layouts options.
This was addressed in AC8.50 for the Transport Object Report specifically, as this was required urgently for one of our Customers.
ActiveControl 8.50 now also addresses this for many of the other out-of-the-box ALV reports:
1. Change document Report Change
2. Transport Location by Project/Path
3. Transport Import Progress by Path
4. Transport Import Status across Paths
5. Merge and Conflict Manager
6. Transport & Merge Reconciliation Report
7. Change Metrics Report
8. Open transports by systems and change date
9. Test results entry
10. Import Audit Report
11. Delegations Report
12. Task roles and status history
13. Transport Merge Report
14. Change path step analysis
15. Approvers by target and location
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