It has always been an ActiveControl Administrator responsibility to upload User images seen within the WebUI, using transaction SMW0 in the SAPGUI backend of the ActiveControl Domain Controller. This manual administrative overhead has generally resulted in most Basis Technologies customers not making use of the image capability within the WebUI, because of the time-consuming ongoing effort to maintain the images, particularly in organisations with larger user communities.
On the back of customer feedback, ActiveControl 8.50 introduces a new (optional) capability for end users to add/remove their own images via the Web UI.
Figure: Users can now upload their own user image via the ‘Edit Details’ section on the WebUI.
Configuration Steps
1. Enable parameter TE_WEBGUI_CUSTOM_USERPICS in table /BTI/TE_TVARV in the ActiveControl Domain Controller.
2. An ActiveControl end user can thereafter upload their own image themselves via the WebUI.
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