Prior to ActiveControl 8.50, it has always been possible to upload files of any size into ActiveControl. Several customers raised that this was having an increasingly significant impact on the sizing footprint of ActiveControl within the Domain Controller SAP system, as users were uploading extremely large MB file size attachments. As such, they requested that we add a capability for customer Administrators to be able to limit the filesize of Attachments uploaded into ActiveControl.
Figure: A new message will be presented if trying to save a file attachment bigger than the defined limit into ActiveControl.
Configuration Steps
The restriction of file sizes for Attachments is configured via a new parameter MAX_FILE_ATTACH_SIZE in table /BTI/TE_TVARV.
Figure: The maxium limit (in MB) is defined via table /BTI/TE_TVARV.
For more information, please refer to this online Change Note.
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