As of ActiveControl 7.1, skipping based on Project Phase dates is now possible.
This was added for the scenario where a customer wanted to skip a QA Inbox approval during the time of Project UAT testing, so that any fixes did not get held up by an Inbox approval. Outside of the dates specified for Project UAT, transports would stop for the QA Inbox approval
If the current date falls within the start/end date of a defined Project phase, the skipping of a particular control point can be done when a Transport Form is linked to a Business Task allocated to that particular Project.
Configuration Steps
1) Setup your Project Phases via the Web UI
2) Configure Skipping rules via /BTI/TE_SKIPCP in the backend
ID = the Phase ID from /BTI/TE_PRJPHASE
(plus the target/location where you want skipping to occur)
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