ActiveControl 7.1 introduces functionality to enable splitting/segregation of transports to avoid object mixing.

This new functionality uses the standard Risk Guard functionality. Objects are defined in Risk Groups, and the objects in these Risk Groups are then prevented from being mixed with objects in other Risk Groups.

The functionality runs in the SAPGUI using the existing Inline Risk functionality. A message “The object you are adding cannot be mixed with other object(s) that are already on this transport.” will be presented when the Developer tries to mix objects from different Risk Groups that are not supposed to be mixed.

Configuration Steps

1) Configure the objects in the required risk groups (using /BTI/TE_RISKG and /BTI/TE_RISKGOB)
2) Configure the Risk Groups in /BTI/TE_RISK_INL
3) Configure the new ‘Object Split’ active function (in /BTI/TE_ACTIVE)
4) Add a new entry in /BTI/TE_TVARV

Please refer to online FAQs for more detail of exactly what is required.


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