Program information
Every program contains information and settings for that specific program
Description field
Here you can describe what the program is about. This can be visible for viewers (see Graphics)
Require registration
By activating require registration, all invited viewers can pre-register and receive a calendar booking by email.
Direct link
Every program has a direct link. This is the link that is used by the viewer to watch live or on demand broadcasts.
The link can be copied and sent to viewers or published on internal/external websites.
Production date and Duration
Set the date and time when the recording should start. To set a different publishing time for viewers, see Publish start date below. We recommend to set a duration that exceeds the expected time.
Cast and Keywords
By adding cast or keywords it is possible to search for these values in the Program list.
Page layout
Here you can choose among the created layouts. How to create a new layout, see the Graphics header on the left menu.
*Dual stream
If Dual stream is to be used make sure that the Dual stream check box is checked. And that a Dual player Layout is chosen for the program. You will find the Dual check box in the program.
Every film can also be secured with a password. This option is found under the ‘Access’ tab
Require email
Asking the viewers to fill in their email before watching the film is a good way to generate a list of who watched the movie, when they watched, and for how long they watched. For more information check the manual under ‘Statistics – Visitors’
Start/Finish publication
When a live stream is booked we usually suggest setting a start time of about 10 min before the meeting or seminar begins. Also, set longer program length than expected in order to have some margin. This is to make sure that everything works at the start and that you get everything at the end.
E.g. If a stream is set to start at 15:50 and the ‘Publish start date’ is set to 16:00, then the stream will start ten minutes before. However the viewers won’t be able to see the actual stream before the meeting or seminar actually starts at 16:00.
Important to think about
The start time of the stream must be before the star time of the publication. Otherwise the program will try to publish the stream before there is anything to publish and the stream will cancelled.
The field for ‘Publish start date’ is under the ‘Access’ tab
IP lock
For further security it is possible to e-mail the IP address(es) to us at Quickchannel. We will then add the IP address(es) to your customer information. After that any movie that is marked ‘Internal’ under the tab ‘Access’ is only going to be accessible through networks using those IP addresses.
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