Users can access object collaboration pages through the specific object pages themselves. This function allows users to immediately engage in collaboration activities within the item they choose to discuss. This allows users to view, analyze and propose changes to items directly.

Users can access the collaboration feature through the icon. This icon, displayed on the right side of List, Graph & Details pages, allows users to generate a pop-up window featuring collaboration activities.

Collaboration topics are listed based on priority (Blocker, Critical, Major, Normal, Minor) and subsequently organized by date. Topics are moved to the top of the list if activity (such as a reply) is made.

Item Feature Description
1 IR Filter Filter and track Improvement Requests (IR) by: to approve, to implement, implemented
2 Create topic Create a collaboration topic for the object you are currently viewing
3 Additional features Assigning IR Implementer, sorting features, filters
4 Children drop-down Expand to view topics created for its children objects

To open a topic, click on the arrow icon next to it.

Item Feature Description
A Title & Description The title and details about the collaboration topic undertaken. These are populated by the EPC and the collaboration topic initiator.
B Close topic Closing the topic when it has been resolved
C Vote Users can vote on the topic.
D Share Share improvement requests with colleagues.
E Reply Function This is the function that allows users to reply and participate in the collaboration activities.


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