When build is successful but execution fails during running tests, you can check engine.log if the following diolog appears and there is no error message.

  • engine.log path : project_path\.csdata\log\engine.log

If the following error message is displayed in the engine.log file, you can solve the problem by the following method.

[CEM] CFGFunction::load:not found function(qualifiedName, idFunctionInfo, functionKey)
  1. Modify TYPE_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE value to a large value (ex. 5000) in the project_path\.csdata\pa.ini file.
  2. After modifying TYPE_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE value, reanalyze the project and run the tests.

If there is no such error in engine.log or if it is not resolved by changing the TYPE_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE value, please contact technical support.

  • Technical support contact : help@suresofttech.com

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