CHCA values academic excellence, and prompt arrival at school is important for building strong habits that allow for a calm and consistent start of the school day. Numerous absences and tardies negatively impact student achievement because vital information and instruction is missed and is difficult to make up in the same way it was originally presented. This puts a student at an academic disadvantage. Arriving on time begins the day and sets the learning expectation for students and is essential for preparing for the day. Students should arrive at school in time to go to cubbies before class.


Excessive unexcused absences are troublesome for a teacher to deliver the effective instruction that advances student achievement.

  • The parent submits an online Report Student Absence form.
  • At the 3rd unexcused absence in a quarter, parents will be notified.
  • At the 4th unexcused absence in a quarter, parent/Principal conference is required.
  • Should a student miss more than four days in a quarter, they are considered an attendance concern. If the Principal believes that attendance is not a priority for the family, continued absenteeism could result in asking the family to withdraw from CHCA at any time.
  • If a student misses 16 days or more in a school year, that student may not be asked to return to CHCA the following year depending on the absence circumstances. All decisions regarding continued enrollment as a result of school attendance is at the sole discretion of the Principal.
  • Any student absent from school may not attend or participate in any CHCA sponsored after school events.

Late Arrival:

Late Arrival (a.k.a. tardiness) causes interruptions and distractions for other students that negatively impact the learning environment. Tardy students miss important information from the teacher’s instruction, and ultimately academic achievement is hindered.

  • The parent submits an online Report Student Absence form.
  • Late Arrival is tracked daily by quarter and a PK student is considered tardy when arriving at or after 8:00 a.m.
  • Escort your child to the front desk to sign them in, where the student will indicate their lunch choice and accompany an administrator to their designated classroom.
  • Frequent tardiness is a concern and will be addressed with the student’s parents. Chronic tardiness and/or absenteeism results in additional consequences.
    • 5th tardy – parents notified by email.
    • 6th tardy – parents conference with the principal to determine a solution.
    • 7th tardy – the Principal schedules a required Family Intervention on Saturday from 9:00 -11:00 a.m. The student and parent will fulfill a “mandatory work detail” as determined with the Principal.
    • 8th tardy – parents attend meeting with the Principal to create an intervention plan.
    • 9th tardy – student may result in student dismissal.

Early Dismissal:

We encourage parents to schedule appointments after school hours. Students occasionally need to be released early from school for doctor’s appointments and will be permitted to make up any missed class work in a timely manner as determined by the teacher. However, it is important to remember that missing class time can be detrimental to a student’s academic progress as the experiential aspect of the learning process cannot be duplicated at home.

  • The parent submits an online Report Student Absence form.
  • The parent electronically signs out student from the front desk and the Early Learning Program. Parents pick up students in their PK classroom.
  • If a student returns to school the same day after an early dismissal, parents are to electronically sign the student back in.

Extended Absence (3 or More Whole Days):

  • Complete the online Report Student Absence form at least one week prior to the absence. We require that more than three consecutive absences cannot be excused without completing this online form.
  • While family vacations are important, please schedule them during school breaks. No more than five school days are excused per school year for this reason.
  • The teacher and Principal must approve the extended absence.
  • No make-up work will be provided.
Last modified: 28 June 2023


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