There are three main ways of accessing ActiveControl.
1) SAP GUI screens, normally used by ‘transport owners’ (ie Developers, Functionals, Securities teams) to log their changes within ActiveControl.
2) Web UI interface, typically used by most users such as Approvers, Testers and other stakeholders to perform their activities relating to ActiveControl.
3) Windows GUI client, generally only deployed to ‘heavy users’ such as Basis teams, Change Managers and ActiveControl Administrators.
The majority of ActiveControl users will utilise the Web UI and/or the SAP GUI, depending on their exact role. Developers and Functional teams and Approvers/Testers will typically use a combination of the SAP GUI and the ActiveControl Web UI to perform their roles within ActiveControl, whereas Change & Release Managers, Basis and ActiveControl Administrators will typically utilise the ActiveControl Windows GUI.
ActiveControl Authorisations
Access to ActiveControl – both in the Web UI, Windows GUI and SAP GUI screens – are controlled by Authorisations which are assigned to each individual user based on their organisational role and responsibilities within the process.
ActiveControl includes out-of-the-box SAP single and composite roles for all of the key roles within the tool, such as Developer, Tester, Basis, Change Manager etc. These are detailed in the Roles Matrix which is available separately to this User Guide.
To enable access to ActiveControl, all users must have a user account setup in the ActiveControl Domain Controller, with the appropriate role(s) assigned to them. All users must also have a valid email address in order to receive email notifications. The userid in the Domain Controller must match that of Developers/Functional team creating transports in the satellite Development system.
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