All questions in the Written Qualifying Examination are single, one best answer questions. This is the traditional, most frequently used multiple-choice format. It consists of a statement or question followed by four options that are in alphabetical or logical order. The response options in this format are lettered (e.g., A, B, C, D). Examinees are required to select the best answer to the question. Other options may be partially correct, but there is only ONE BEST answer.
Strategies for Answering Single One Best Answer Test Questions
- Read each question carefully. It is important to understand what is being asked.
- Try to generate an answer and then look for it in the option list.
- Alternatively, read each option carefully, eliminating those that are clearly incorrect.
- Of the remaining options, select the one that is most correct.
- If unsure about an answer, it is better to guess since unanswered questions are automatically counted as wrong. No points will be subtracted for incorrect responses.
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