Return to Zathras & Wubba’s King of the Hill

If this is your first visit to our site, you will need to set up an account. It is easy to do and costs nothing. Just follow these simple steps:
(note that if you’re a returning player from last year you do not need a new account. If you’ve forgotten your password you can visit the lost password page to reset it.)

Step 1:

Click the “Register” link in the upper right corner.

Step 2:

On the registration page, enter your desired username, a password, and your email address. You will also see a random question such as “how many teams are in the NFL”? We do this to help prevent spam-bots from registering accounts on the site.

You can also set up other information at this time such as your time zone and who referred you. However you can always go to your account settings page later to add those items.

Step 3:

Check the box to confirm you have read the rules of our website and click the “Complete Registration” button.

At this point our system will send you an email with a confirmation link in it.

Step 4:

Click that link in the email to complete your registration.

Most of the functionality and information on the website can only be accessed while you are logged into your account. When you log in, you can check the box beside the “log in” button to have the system recognize you as logged in the next time you visit.

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