In Navigation mode, the navigation screen will show the map of surrounding area with the calculated route highlighted in violet. As you approach a junction, further directions are displayed to indicate which road to take and voice instructions are given.
In addition to turn by turn directions, the navigation screen also provides a range of further useful information:
1. Next maneuver
2. Distance to next maneuver
3. Current speed
4. Estimated time of arrival at the destination
5. Distance to destination
6. Dynamic Lane Guidance, showing which lane you should use
7. Current speed limit, truck speed limit if data available
8. Upcoming speed limit change with distance to where it becomes effective
9. Real-time traffic incident (if traffic is enabled)
10. Real-time traffic overview with current delay on route (if traffic is enabled)
11. Current road/street name
12. Next road/street name to take
13. Speed camera warning
14. Current location inidicator
15. Traffic flow information – yellow / orange / red based on traffic speed
16. Map zoom in/out
17. Switch between 2D and 3D view
18. Search menu shortcut
19. Route progress bar
20. POI (Point of Interest) in map
21. Upcoming POI on current route
22. Second turn indicator (turn after the next turn)
Map legend
A. Background in mild climate area
B. Background in desert
C. Residential city area
D. Industrial, port, airport or military area
E. City park or national park
1. Highway
2. Road of international importance
3. Important road
4. Road of lower importance
5. Tunnel
6. Unpaved road, dirt or gravel
7. Road closed generally for vehicles. When truck parameters are set, also road closed for trucks
8. Road closed for trucks with dimensional restriction affecting configured truck, in EU
9. Road closed for trucks with dimensional restriction affecting configured truck, in US
10. Road closed for general traffic but open for deliveries
11. Railway
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