Channel Function DMX DMX (16bit) Default DMX Range (0-255) Notes
ViewPort Level 1 255 0-255
Red 2 128 0-127 Subtract Red
128 No Change
129-255 Add Red
Green 3 128 0-127 Subtract Green
128 No Change
129-255 Add Green
Blue 4 128 0-127 Subtract Blue
128 No Change
129-255 Add Blue
Brightness 5 128 0-127 Darken layer
128 No Change
129-255 Brighten Layer
Contrast 6 128 0-127 Reduce Contrast
128 No Change
129-255 Increase Contrast
Colour Saturation 7 128 0-255 Saturates / Desaturates colours
Colour Shift 8 128 0-255 Shifts colour gamut of layer
Invert Colour 9 0 0-127 Invert Off
128-255 Invert On
Effects 1 Select 10 0 0-255 See Effects List
Effects 1 Level 11 0 0-255
Effects 1 Parameter 1 12 128 0-255 Determined by Selected Effect
Effects 1 Parameter 2 13 128 0-255 Determined by Selected Effect
Effects 1 Parameter 3 14 128 0-255 Determined by Selected Effect
Effects 1 Parameter 4 15 128 0-255 Determined by Selected Effect
Effects 1 Parameter 5 16 128 0-255 Determined by Selected Effect
Rotation Positon (Index) 17 18 16384 0-32768 Index Position
32769-49151 Continuous Clock-Wise Rotation
49152 Stop
49153-65535 Continuous CounterClock-Wise Rotation
Position X 19 20 32768 0-35767 Move Left
32768 No Change
32869-65535 Move Right
Position Y 21 22 32768 0-35767 Move Up
32768 No Change
32869-65535 Move Down
Viewport Zoom 23 24 32768 0-35767
32768 No Change
Keystone AntiAliasing 25 0 0-127 Disable
128-255 Enable
Keystone Point 1X 26 27 0 0-255
Keystone Point 1Y 28 29 0 0-255
Keystone Point 2X 30 31 65535 0-255
Keystone Point 2Y 32 33 0 0-255
Keystone Point 3X 34 35 65535 0-255
Keystone Point 3Y 36 37 65535 0-255
Keystone Point 4X 38 39 0 0-255
Keystone Point 4Y 40 41 65535 0-255
Livemask Select 42 0 0-255 Live Mask Select
Videomapper Enable 43 0 0-127 Enable
128-255 Disable
Videomapper Mix 44 0 0-255
Videomapper Mix/Morph 45 0 0-127 Mix
128-255 Morph
Videomap A Select 46 0 0-255
Videomap B Select 47 0 0-255
Screen Warp Enable 48 0 0-127 Enable
128-255 Disable
Screen Warp Select A 49 0 0-255 Screen Warp A Select
Screen Warp Select B 50 0 0-255 Screen Warp B Select
Screen Warp Mix 51 128 0-255
LiveMask Level 52 0 0-255
Preset Select Bank 53 0 – 255 Bank 0-255
Preset Select Clip 54 0 – 255 Clip 0-255


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