A number of new parameters have been added in this release of Testimony:
Parameter Name | Area | Description |
BUTID_SAVE | Recording | This parameter controls whether business transactions in batch jobs are saved to shared memory or direct to the database. |
CUSTOM_STR_TO_TAB_FM | Recording | During the data transfer phase, we convert what was captured in the recording to a string so that it can be transferred back to the central system. This used to use a standard function module for the string to table conversion, but it changed behaviour between kernel releases and caused massive performance issues for large business transactions. This parameter lets us put it back to the original as a custom one was built in 2.30 |
FIORI_BETA | Recording | This parameter controls whether Fiori recording functionality can be activated or not. This parameter is password protected (in order to activate it to ‘X’). The password will only be provided if beta functionality is allowed. The enhancement point for Fiori recording will not able to be activated if this parameter is not set. |
RFCTAB_CMP_THRESHOLD | Recording | During the recording, if the lines of all TABLES parameter for an inbound RFC call exceeds this value, the data will be stored in a compressed format, otherwise the uncompressed value is stored. Compression saves space but it has a slight performance hit during the recording |
RFC_DATA_SIZE_LIMIT | Recording | During the recording, if the data size of an inbound RFC call (the memory requirements of all its parameters) exceeds this limit, the call will not be recorded. |
RCA_LINK_BT | Recording | If the customer uses ActiveControl, it is possible to automatically link the root cause analysis (found business tasks / transports) directly to the ActiveControl task via the web-interface. Turn this parameter to true to enable this functionality |
ROOT_CAUSE | Recording | This parameter was introduced in 2.21 for activating root cause analysis (by setting it to X). It is listed here again as it has now been protected with the new beta functionality password mechanism. This means that in order to change this parameter in 2.30, you must enter the correct password. |
SHORT_DUMP | Recording | When short-dumps are detected by Testimony during the playback, it must search for them in the short-dump table (SNAP). This parameter controls the time “tolerance” (+/- seconds) when it searches for dumps. |
OUTBOUND_RFC | Recording | This parameter controls whether outbound RFC can be enabled or not in beta mode. Like all beta functioality, this parameter is password protected. The password must be provided by Basis Technologies to the customer in order to activate this funtionality. |
ACC_FACTOR_REF_TIME | Playback | If the target system is accelerated during the playback, then this factor is used to adjust calculations based upon this acceleration. |
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