1. Basic jenkins installation for testing of ActiveControl

AC will trigger jenkins calling an URL, like:


  1. AC will not actually use CURL…
    export triggeruser=acuser
    export triggerToken=secret # this is a crypto key generated by Jenkins
    export jenkinsServer=myjenkinsserverurl
    export jobname=activeControlDemo
    export AcToken=sentFromActiveControl

curl “https://$triggeruser:$triggerToken@$jenkinsServer/job/$jobname/build?token=$AcToken”

Jenkins will trigger actions in AC in a similar way


  1. These usually go in some secret place inside jenkins
    export acuser=acuser
    export acpass=secret
    export acserver=te.basistechnologies.net:8000
  1. lock a target

curl “http://$acuser:$acpass@$acserver/bti/te_web_services?action=LOCK_TARGET&TARGETID=0001”

  1. unlock a target
    curl “http://$acuser:$acpass@$acserver/bti/te_web_services?action=UNLOCK_TARGET&TARGETID=0001”
  1. read contents of a test queue

curl “http://$acuser:$acpass@$acserver/bti/te_web_services?action=QUEUE_CONTENTS&TARGETID=0001&LOCATION=T”

  1. pass tests in a target
    curl -X POST -d ‘0001XPassed‘ “http://$acuser:$acpass@$acserver/bti/te_web_services?action=TARGET_TESTRESULTS”
  1. fail tests in a target
    curl -X POST -d ‘0001Failed‘ “http://$acuser:$acpass@$acserver/bti/te_web_services?action=TARGET_TESTRESULTS”


Sample response from lock/unlock/test results:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
E Error Method ENTER_TEST_RESULTS requires a x_task or xt_task parameter


Sample read queue response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
10020041500000141320 jd1 jenkins demo 1 ACDK908578 ACDK908618 10020041600000141745 jd4 jd4 ACDK908608 S Information Success


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