This section of the Quick Setup Guide summarises the technical steps to setup ActiveControl.

Initial Installation Setup

After the Project Kickoff meeting held during the Prepare Phase, there are some initial installation activities that should be done in advance of the main technical configuration. Given these activities are pre-requisites for the main Realization phase, Basis Technologies recommend that they are initiated in parallel to the Explore Phase, since some of the activities (eg transport deployment, user creation) may have a lead-time within the Customer organisation, particularly where third-party partners are involved.

Mandatory Configuration

After completing the initiall installation setup activities outlined above, ActiveControl can now be configured. The majority of the Configuration detailed in this section will be appropriate for most ActiveControl customers.

Optional Configuration

No Basis Technologies customer uses all features and capabilities within ActiveControl. Some configuration is deemed slightly more optional, and will depend more on an individual SAP customer’s required processes within ActiveControl.


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