Upgrading to 5.1.1
Upgrading to 5.1.1 from versions prior to 5.0.1 requires the same process as upgrading from 4.9.5 to 5.0.0. If you are upgrading from 5.0.1+, Akkadian Universal Updater can run the upgrade by using Single Packages.
If the version of your console server is older than 4.9.5, please update the server to 4.9.5 version first before upgrading to version 5.0.1. You can do this by referring to our Console Server upgrade guide for a step-by-step instruction.
Akkadian Console Server 5.1.1 Release Notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Drag and drop does not work to transfer a call.
- Fixed: Hints on the icons not showing up for the active icons.
- Fixed: Error message displayed during the installation of ACO using the “Update Now” button.
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