Overview: AccuPoint allows management of employees in the system through the User Management portal. Only users with User Administrator access will have the ability to add new employees, reset passwords, and change permissions.

Adding Users: From the dashboard, you will choose Employee, then Add Employee.

a new form will appear with various prompts, please fill in as follows:

The user name needs to be the employee’s corporate email address. In the case that an employee does not have corporate email – please use the agreed on suffix for consistency purposes. IE: jsmith@testco.com

Last name, First name and Start Date is required, as well as the password fields. If the email in the username is valid, please press the copy username to e-mail. If it is not valid, please enter in the employee’s personal email address.

The Active box needs to be checked if the employee will be able to log into AccuPoint. If the employee does not need access (ie: will just be scheduled for, but will not be logging into the system, they should not be marked as active here).

Under Groups: the following should be done:

All employees that receive access to the system: Check off Directors and Employees. This will enable the AccuPoint Permission Groups Module (discussed below).
All employees that will be in charge of managing users – check off Directors, Employees and User Administrator
Schedulers: The above options with Scheduler checked off as well. This will ensure that they receive base schedule notifications.

After all is completed, press okay. This will generate the user account throughout the system. The employee demographics can now be configured (see documentation around Employee Information).

AccuPoint Permission Groups Module
After an employee has been added into Accupoint – they need to be assigned to a permission group. AccuPoint has created a template of potential Permission Groups that can be tailored to each individual company’s needs. You will need User Administrator access in order to access this module. Please click on Permission Groups on the left hand navigation bar – then the page will load.

Under each group you may click on the edit (the paper with the pencil). This will allow you to choose what this group has access to. You may also add a new group at the bottom of the page to customize a new role in your company. Each employee may only be in a single group, and groups are not able to be configured without any employees in them.

Customizing a Group
Click on the edit to the left of the group you would like to customize.

Entities is the high level grouping – any of the items on the right side will be displayed, while anything on the left hand side will e restricted. Based on what is in the entities, it will dictate what shows in the allowed pages as well. Any pages on the left hand side of allowed pages will be disallowed, while anything on the right hand side for this group will be granted access.

Users: Each user may only be in a single group. Move them from the left to the right to add them into a group.

Case Load Only: This will restrict all reporting, etc to only that user’s caseload (if they are part of this group)
Office Only: This will restrict the employee only to access clients / employees that are within their office (if they are part of this group).


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