The next section of the Annual Analysis screen consists of a table showing results for each day of the year, as illustrated to the right, and a pull-down menu that selects the data displayed in the table. These results can be used to identify certain days of the year that may be under performing. Each day of the month represents the columns and each month represents the rows in this table.

A color-coding system is provided for this table when illuminance numbers are displayed to help show daily performance relative to the set design illuminance. The Critical Day is represented on the graph as the cell with the thick black outline and represents the day that had the lowest average workplane illuminance. If minimum or maximum illuminance is selected in the pull-down menu, then the lowest minimum or highest maximum illuminance is highlighted as the Critical Day.

The options to display on the table are selected in the pull-down menu and include:

Average Light Output [%] – This option displays the daily average light output for all luminaire zones, weighted according to the overall lighting power.
Average Illuminance [fc or lux] – This option displays the daily average workplane illuminance under electric light and daylight.
Maximum Illuminance [fc or lux] – This option displays the daily maximum workplane illuminance under electric light and daylight.
Time of Maximum Illuminance [hour] – This option displays the time of day, in military decimal form, when the maximum illuminance occurred.
Minimum Illuminance [fc or lux] – This option displays the daily minimum workplane illuminance under electric light and daylight.
Time of Minimum Illuminance [hour] – This option displays the time of day, in military decimal form, when the minimum illuminance occurred.
Electric Savings [kWh/day] – This option displays the daily electric savings achieved. This represents the electric savings due to the electric lighting system only and not other indirect electric savings due to reduced fan power and cooling electricity requirements.
Additional Heating Load [kBtu/day or kWh/day] – This option displays the additional heating load imposed on the space due to the lack of heat gain from turned off electric lighting.
Cooling Load Savings [kBtu/day or kWh/day] – This option displays the reduced cooling load provided to the space due to the lack of heat gain from turned off electric lighting.


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