The central panel of your Institution’s Profile displays the basic information, some of which you have already provided or has been pre-filled for you – and you can modify it at any point.

This includes the following sections:

  • Basic information
    The top panel is your ‘business card’ for the viewers – be concise and informative. You can edit this section by clicking the edit icon. Only you will see the information if this section is completed, partially_done or incomplete with the labels in top right corner. This field includes the following sections:
    • Title – Your organization’s official name
    • Published at – the date you created and published your profile in the format YYY-MM-DD– read here on how to publish your profile
    • One-line-summary – Short introduction of your organizations’ main goals. Quite often the organizations use this part to communicate who they are, what their shared values are, especially in the context of technology transfer and innovation, and what they are trying to accomplish. You can use your university or TTO mission statement here. Try to keep it concise – one line is perfect.
    • Logo URL – Insert the URL to where we can find your institution’s logo. You can use your logo directly from social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) or your official website. The easiest way to do that is to drag the image from the website or social media site into the Logo URL field. You can also right-click on the image on the website social media and copy the link address (the exact command will depend on your operating system and browser). Alternatively, skip this step, and just upload an image file from your hard drive. You can do this by clicking the image field in the top left corner of this panel [highlighted in green in the image below].
    • Use logo for subprofiles – You can tick this field if you’d like to use the same logo for any sub-profiles (e.g. technology websites, affiliated startups, etc.)
  • Your organization’s offerings
    The second field from the top shows your organization’s offerings. The profile viewers will be able to directly jump to the part that interests them the most with the click on the relevant blue button. You can consider this field as a dashboard for your main content with the interactive links directing to your sub-profile pages. Only the offerings that you have already added and published through the Navigation Menu will be active (bold) and the other offering buttons are inactive and displayed as dimmed. You can modify specific fields through the Navigation Menu on the left. We have more guidelines on your offerings management in the Management of Your Sub-profiles /Offerings sections of this user guide.
    All of the sub-profiles are searchable directly. Your viewers visiting your institution’s website will be able to search for a particular lab, project, technology startup, or service offered by your university by checking any of the relevant offerings. If any of the sub-profiles for search is inactive, you might need to double-check that you have published the offering in this section. You can do that by going to the particular section through the Navigation Menu (as detailed above), marking the offerings you want to display, and clicking Publish button at the top right corner of the panel.
    The offerings are categorized as follows:
    • Research Labs & Projects – this field will show your viewer your Research projects, labs/PIs, and Pre-labs. The field can be modified by clicking in the navigation menu Labs/PI, Pre-labs or Research Projects. You can find out more on how to modify these sub-profiles in the following sections of the user guide: Navigation Menu: Labs/PIs, and Navigation Menu: Research Projects.
    • Available Technologies – this field displays technologies and inventions from your Technology Transfer Office. You can modify the content of this sub-profile through the Navigation Menu Technology Profiles. You can find out more on how to modify these sub-profiles in the Navigation Menu: Technology Profiles section of this guide.
    • Startups & Prestartups – this field shows to your viewer startups affiliated with your institutions, and startups in progress, i.e. the technologies and teams that are currently in the process to formally become a startup. The field can be modified by clicking in the Navigation Menu Invited Startups, or Pre-startups links. You can find out more on how to modify these sub-profiles in the following sections of the user guide: Navigation Menu: Invited Startups and Navigation Menu: Pre-strtups.
    • Technical Services & Consulting – this field displays any commercial services, products on sale, or consulting offerings that might be available through your university. You can modify the content of this sub-profile through the Navigation Menu’s Service Offerings . You can find out more about how to modify these sub-profiles in the Navigation Menu: Service Offerings section of this user guide.
  • Mission & Goals
    This is a place where you can type in your university’s mission and goals. Feel free to copy and paste it from your university’s website. You can edit this section by clicking in the top right corner Edit icon. The information about the completion status will be displayed only for your information as completed, partially done or incomplete. You can use the simple formatting options for the text or attach links in this field.
  • Facts & Figures
    Facts and Figures field is designed to enable the display of key metrics important for innovation and technology development. You can choose by yourself what information you’d like to show here. The left-hand side columns are meant to be titles of the particular metrics, which can be for example Patents issued, Technology disclosures , Research spending, New startups. The right-hand side boxes are for filling in the numbers for these metrics. You can choose up to six different metrics to display. For example, your Facts and Figures field could look like this:
  • Research And Technology Expertise, Technology Services And Products, and Innovation Resources
    • Research and Technology Expertise is a field where you can highlight any specialized institutes and units of your organization.
    • Technology Services and Products allows you to list any commercially available services coming from your organizations according to the business area, market application, and key products.
    • Innovation Resources is another place where your TTO can showcase any innovation, entrepreneurship and business collaboration programs or facilities available for your faculty members, students, and researchers.
      You can edit the existing fields by clicking on Edit icon, or delete any outdated elements by clicking the Delete icon, or add new rows to each field by clicking any of the blue Add … buttons.
      Here is an example of how these fields could look like:
  • Media – Video Links, Images and Documents
    • The media section of the profile allows you to add Video links, which can be used to promote your TTO office, or the organization as a whole as well as particular offerings. We encourage you to add these as they allow the viewers to get a fast overview of your institution. You can use your videos uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, Slideshare, or any custom link. Just click the Edit and paste in the links in the boxes, and the video will be embedded for you on your profile page. You can add up to three YouTube, three Vimeo, one Slideshare, and one other link.
    • In the Images and Documents , you can add any document or image file directly from your hard drive, or the website URL. They can be in .pdf, .docx, .png, .jpg, or .gif format. Simply click Add file, drop the file in the provided field, or paste the URL address for the document/imaged in the box below. You can always remove an image or document, or add a description to it, by hovering over the image and clicking the edit or delete button or clicking the relevant icons next to the document file.
  • Milestones
    In the Milestones section, you can showcase any critical achievements of the university or technology transfer. For example, obtaining major funding, commercializing a breakthrough technology, etc. – anything that you would like to highlight as your innovation efforts.


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