Why MakeToOrder

Suddenly the unexpected happens where you need to shift due dates for single production order or a subset of a multi-production project order network.

Well, under certain conditions, you can re-plan the production order for a new date, even though there are entries on the order, if the order item is of the Make-to-stock type.

On the other hand, if the order item is of the Make-to-Order type, it is not possible to use the Re-plan function.

BC will give a message that it is not possible to re-plan, or for that matter you cannot use the function “Refresh production order” either.

And it is for the same reason that we have made the make-to-order solution, which solves this problem for customers who run order-oriented.

And regardless of the production order being formed from a sales order, it consists of several production order lines, etc.

So this is here where the NAVEKSA MakeToOrder solution comes in.

Schematically it looks like this:

From a specific project production order line, you want to

  • Re-schedule the line,
  • Re-schedule all lines upwards,
  • Re-schedule all lines downwards, or, Re-schedule in both directions.

You see it here how it works in BC:

When using the BC production orders as standard in a make-to-order environment, there are some limitations:

1) The moment material or capacity consumption is posted on an order, you cannot use “Reschedule” or “Update production order” functions.

This is not feasible if something is “slipping” date wise and you are in a situation where you actually need to change a delivery date on one or more production order lines..

2) Standard BC does not take queue time for the first production order operation into consideration when planning. Especially this is a problem when using the BC project orders, where lower levels production deliver to higher levels in an order network. We have added this.

Logically and practically there must be some slack between going from one level of product into the next.


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