Click on the Patients tile on the Main Menu to access patient records.
You will be greeted with a browse of current patient records. You can search for a patient by typing any patient information immediately eg. type “Smith” and the system will return all records that contain the word “Smith” in any field. We call this a fuzzy search. All search browses in the system will search on visible columns within the browse, just start typing what you’re looking for and the system will filter to matching records.
Alternatively, if you wish to search only within a specific column, type your search criteria at the top of that column.
To choose a patient record press the Enter key or Double-click on the highlighted patient row. Note that pressing the Esc key anywhere in the system will take you back one step.
For customer storing large Patient databases, such as multi-practice Enterprise Edition customers, we recommend utilising the alternate patient search facility. From the Main Menu, click on the System Settings tile under Setup, click the Settings tab then tick the “[ ] Suppress Patient Search Browse” option.
The option above will result in a much faster Patient Search experience as the Patient Browse is not pre-loaded with all patient records. When you click the Patient Tile from the Main Menu you will be greeted with the following Search screen.
Rather than pre-loading Patient records, this search method will return a sub-set of Patients based on your search criteria. Simply enter details regarding the patient you’re searching for in one or more of the above fields then click the “Search” button. A list of patients that matches your search criteria is then displayed.
To add a new patient record click on the New Patient button at the top left of the toolbar. Clicking any of the buttons on the toolbar will add a new record eg. New Patient, New Rx, New Order, New Invoice etc…
To view historical records for the patient, click on the tabs underneath the toolbar. The numbers to the right of the tab labels denote the number of historical records contained in that list.
From the Patient Browse, or when a Patient record is opened, you can perform the following tasks.
New Patient – Add a new Patient record.
Recently Accessed – Displays a list of the last 10 patient records you accessed.
Exam – Add a new Examination record for the patient.
Incomplete Exams – Provides a list of Examinations that are either Incomplete or Unfinalised.
Followup Referrals – Provides a list of Referral Letters created within an Exam.
Spectacle Rx – Add a new Spectacle Prescription for the patient.
Spectacle Order – Raise a new Spectacle Lens Order for the patient.
Contact Rx – Add a new Contact Lens Prescription for the patient.
Contact Order – Raise a new Contact Lens Order for the patient.
Repair – Raise a new general Repair Order for the patient.
Search Orders – Displays a grid of Orders so you can search for previously entered Orders.
Invoice – Raise a new Patient Invoice. A Patient Invoice depletes inventory levels and allows you to track consultation and dispensing sales and tax information. When raising a Patient Invoice you have the choice of Patient Invoice, Frame Appro, Vision Training Equipment or Quotation type Invoice. Click the down arrow at the base of the Invoice for other options ie. Invoice Return, Appro Return, VTE Return & Quote to Invoice.
Search Invoice – Displays a grid of Invoices so you can search for previously entered Invoices.
Invoice Return – Return a previously entered Patient Invoice. This return inventory to stock and depletes sales.
Appro Return – Return a previously entered Patient Invoice Frame Appro.
VTE Return – Return a previously entered Patient Invoice Vision Training Equipment Invoice.
Quote to Invoice – Move a previously entered Quotation Invoice to a Patient Invoice.
Receipt – Add a new Patient Receipt.
Search Receipt – Displays a grid of Receipts so you can search for previously entered Receipts.
Refund – Refund money to the patient.
When you save a new patient record the system will automatically choose preferred contact details if you leave fields empty, based on your preferences setup in System Settings under the Default Items tab. Note: Marketing will default to “Exclude”, by default, if you do not choose a Marketing Preferred Contact method. We recommend that you ask the patient 1. whether they are happy to receive marketing and 2. if they are happy to receive marketing, what their preferred method of contact is, to ensure that you enter their preferred marketing contact prior to saving the new patient record.
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